Off Topic Landfill


I’m hoping that’s a joke LOL

no, they are currently being leased at MSRP

Give that “f-ing lawyer” (porn lawyer?) from New York a call. She sounds like a peach, probably likes soy boys

I thought that dude was doing time and dis-barred. May as well ask people on the internets.

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And that is AOC and Greta’s dream … of a green new deal

Breaking news … AOC plans to endorse Bernie. They are coming for your guns and cars and planes and meat and …

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Not the worst thing, people are just too freaking fat and sick these days.

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And the number of people who will call an Uber and wait for 10 minutes rather than walk 1-2 miles is even more appalling …

It’s the Uber experience, the tictacs, chargers. You don’t get it.


But not theirs…

True but the life expectancy has never been longer and the USA has the highest life expectancy in the world if you take out motor vehicle accidents and gang murders

I’m glad to be fitting the bill so that fat people could be on life support most of those lives. /s

Well with Medicaire for all you’ll be footing the bill for everyone.

So you’re saying I’ll be paying for actual coverage unlike now I’m paying for insurance Co profit margins? Scary thing.

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Yes you will be paying a lot more for inferior “actual’ coverage. Here’s the thing I really don’t get. Do you know anyone on medicaire? My parents and all there friends are on it. Everyone of them have supplemental private insurance because there are a lot of things it doesn’t cover or covets half assed. It’s a big business How is it going to be any different when we expand it to everyone?

I have no issue with expanding it to help more people providing private insurance isn’t eliminated and it doesn’t affect taxes.

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Everyone hates the Medicare, and private insurance for that matter, until you try to mess with it. Remember someone wanted to convert Medicare into some kind of voucher program. That didn’t go well.

I also remember someone promised that we all get covered, and it will be cheaper than Obamacare. Still waiting.

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People don’t like change. After getting burned by Obamacare everyone is even more weary. At least some politicians are being honest about eliminating private insurance. The only way we can have a real conversation about any of these things is if we are honest about what they are and aren’t.

I don’t have the answers but I definitely do not trust the people that can’t run the post office to run my healthcare.

We’ll have the people who run the military run insurance companies then. People seem to trust them and throw crap load of money with no problems.

Two things can be true at the same time. I think we spend way to much on the military, specifically defending allies with massive economies like Japan and Germany. However entitlement spending dwarfs military spending. It isn’t even close. Defense 623 Billion. Entitlements 2.5 Trillion. We could cut the military 100% and it wouldnt come close to paying for the proposed new “free” stuff. We are spending out of control in this country. I would be all for cutting some military spending but it would be a drop in the bucket.

[citation required]


The Japanese life expectancy is almost 6 years longer than ours. Taking out gang murders (also what? That’s such a small subset of firearm deaths in America) and traffic deaths doesn’t move our life expectancy up 6 years.