Off Topic Landfill

You were right! Thanks for the help.

I would love for you to please pm me where you got that car from. A dealer and a contact. I was shopping for a Giulia today and the lease prices were astronomical! And the MSRP was quite a bit lower than yours…
Much Appreciated in advance…

Isn’t $548/mo a really good deal for an M3? Can you share your breakdown?

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Maybe that was a typo? Perhaps he meant $3K?

300 in positive equity. I doubt anyone is trading in a 300 dollar beater to lease a 59k car.

How do you end up with positive equity? Cars in general are money losers.

There are cars that you can likely flip at the end of a lease or in the middle of a lease with positive equity. Tacomas, 4runners, civics, cr-vs, etc. Basically cars that don’t have inflated residuals from the finance company to make it easier to move them.

Notice most of these cars do not make the best leases, because…they have realistic residuals and tend to hold their value well.

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You owe less than they offered. Ex…you owe 14,000 but it’ books higher, and he was offered 14,300. 300 in equity.

I stand corrected 20202020

That’s a heck of an upgrade. Enjoy!

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Thanks for the explanation. I’m used to the BMW leases where the RV is high, e.g. 31K but the car is only worth 24K at the end of the lease. I guess this is how we get good lease deals on BMWs!

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Here’s a link for personal loans, instant approval, monthly payments and reasonable rates.

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Who is your leasing company Ally or GM Financial? Ally allows for a complete transfer where you do not remain as a liability on the contract. GMFS is the same but will only allow a transfer inside your state. @NY13 is correct that you may want to consider an incentive to purchase more miles for a new buyer. The lease-end insurance is a big plus as long as it’s transferrable. It would give the new lessee some peace of mind.

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they’re turning the frogs gay!!!