Off Topic Landfill

To wit:


Now drop it and move on.

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IDGAF.… I know you don’t and that’s sad especially for a Trusted Hackr…

Don’t make him angry, he might publish his secret squirrel spreadsheet(see what I did there?)

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:popcorn: :popcorn:

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Too bad. We’re going to grill you right into the ground for being helpful and providing the right answers. $853 isn’t $853 :wink:

Glad this thread was closed. Some people are in desperate need of a reality check.


If it has m-sport package, even at this MSRP, then someone should pay at least 450/month.

If they started at 13.5 and you let it go, aren’t you just wasting everyone’s time?

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It would’ve been a waste of time if I continued and then backed out or they wouldn’t get to where I wanted to be, no? Use your brain a little.

Perfect setup… Just PM’d you.


saving all that gas money – very good deal – I thought the DAS was closer to $5k

I have no idea how you did that…how?

Just so we’re clear, what incentives? OL, College, Loyalty? Or more than that? Honestly that’s a smoking hot deal…very nice job.

Yes, all three. Thank you :slight_smile:


@jalopnik5021 Can this deal be replicated? What was the process you used for finding it/what was the discount?

Wtf how? Teach us your ways

Pretty sure it was the thread posted earlier in the week – those deals are long gone.

Great score! How is the mpg on that beauty?

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Its an estimated 60 mpge, but I haven’t driven it enough to tell yet :sweat_smile:

how can I fake some transcripts to qualify for the college discount? lol!

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Honestly, not the first time I’ve gotten that question haha. Don’t think its possible, they verify everything.