Off Topic Landfill

Hey Troy. I can get all toyotas. Message me for details. Philly area

lol got a 2019 Outback for $250/mo with 1st month down and registration/plate… definitely possible. I thought I’d get some positive feedback from people on here but it’s making me think this forum is filled with car salesmen as opposed to car purchasers… so that would explain the skepticism to being able to make such a deal.

I was leisurely looking at some 330e numbers as I’ve seen some smoking good deals posted recently. I was trying to sort something out with Crevier BMW as they had about 21 cars in inventory (according to the website anyway, reality is probably different. But after some back and forth I tried to get these (admittedly v. optimistic) numbers

- MSRP: $56,475
- Selling Price: $47,475
- Drive-Off Amount: $1736 (1st payment, fees & acquisition) + MSDs of $1750
- Months: 24
- Annual Mileage: 10,000
- MF: 00177, bumped to 0.00142 after MSD
- Residual: 67%
- Included Incentives: $6500k lease credit, $500 OL, 
- Monthly Payment: $221/mo + LA Tax

They came back with a final $4k down and $434 a month so we’re pretty far apart on the numbers. :frowning:
So If anyone knows of any other decent 330e offers, ideally for <$250 in SoCal, I’d be very interested to hear.

I got a quote for $800 bucks from a FL dealer. At least it was Sign n Drive :smile:

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Heres an outback deal for 190/mo plus tax. Your deal isn’t great in comparison

Hey all… Looking for one in So cal.

10k/year. 2k down. Any input would be greatly appreciated!


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Just a thought - you can go through your threads, find all existing reviews and ask Trusted to move them here.

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I was wondering that. Thank you!

Send me a PM in the threads you find them in, and I’ll move them.


You know I’m on it… deal’s almost done!

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Thanks man!

Do you handle exotic leases?

Thank you


Hey Louis,

I don’t have any experience with them, and outside of a great connection at a premier Acura dealer (if you consider the NSX an exotic), I can only make recommendations on exotic dealers. Always happy to try and provide value wherever I can, but also don’t mind telling you if I can’t.


Keep doing what your doing, man!

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Can you ship to VA, with no retainer, obviously? :grin:

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Only for untrusted hackers and volvo corporate employees :slight_smile:

Good, I meet one criteria.

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Good luck Mike! Thanks for all the info provided to the community!

So nice of you to say! Thank you for the kind words!