Off-Topic Landfill 6

LMAO keep ignoring evidence because you don’t like them:

Literally gave you a screenshot of my mortgage payments and an example of an insurance policy. Imagine being this deluded.

You mean the policy with the last digit of the date cut off and also showing $11k worth of contents coverage for a house that is insured for $1m in a place that may not even be a wildfire risk?

$11k in contents? That one you “literally” (as opposed to figuratively?) didn’t make up.

Maybe one of the other 9 homeowners policies have coverage for something more than an empty house.


Imagine being this deluded. It’s a rental property, why would I carry content coverage on a landlord insurance when renters’ insurance covers it?

You’re done bro, this is too embarrassing. It’s time for you to disappear from this thread. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

:joy: :rofl:

So you know someone that owns rentals in Tehachapi that let you see a few of their policies?

Congrats :clown_face: - what a plus.

Full, total and complete :clown_face:

Keep shifting goalposts lmao. First it was an expired policy, then it’s a vacant property, now it’s someone else’s property in some random desert city. Do I have access to their bank records too? Credit reports? What next, I’m actually a mutant shapeshifter?

Meanwhile what have you posted? One discredited link that doesn’t agree with your claim, I bet you don’t even own a home.

Don’t forget he had suit cases full of Patek Philippe’s


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You’re right. I’m done engaging with the infirmed.

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Awesome deal! Would you be able to share the deal sheet? I am trying to make the an attempt at a similar deal in NJ

what dealer was it?

is that possible to share your dealer info to me? I am really interested in one.

I moved your post here because posting public requests for dealer info isn’t allowed.

You are welcome, of course, to use private messages for this purpose.

Happy shopping!

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The good old days lol



Thanks for the info. We’re planning to finish our garage floor and can’t decide between epoxy or tiles.

Taycan $350 a month $0 DAS contact @li8625 he has 20 left on the lot.


This is factually correct, I sniper fact check this (snopes but for LH)


if anyone wants a GOAT deal @li8625 is the guy who hooks me up.