Off-Topic Landfill 6

At least some Volvo dealers in Dallas are different :sunglasses:


Haha, yes. They do “one time exception” to get a deal … Lol :rofl:


Did @thevolvoguy move to Texas?

Jeep NYC :cowboy_hat_face::sunglasses:

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For real? He’s slinging CDJR? I thought he used to work for Empire West Islip; did he go back?

Mind sharing numbers?

Just don’t do that with a Volvo. I hear VCFS has :eyes: everywhere… they are following @djrabbi with a PI taking photos.

There is a Volvo XC60 outside my house as we speak

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Are you serious? What’s in it for Volvo to spend money and have a PI making sure the car is in the state it’s registered in! :rofl:

Bro that bright green in your excel sheet.
Can’t read anything.
Is it just me?


Yes its just you. No one in 5 yrs has complained about it.


It’s very annoying on cellphone. Fine on a bigger screen - I check on laptop.

Yeah great to hear i am not the only one.

Yeah it’s impossible on a cell phone, just haven’t ever said anything lolol

Sorry to hear that the sheet don’t look right on cell phone.

This is how it looks on my iPhone. If color is an issue I have no problem changing it but it looks clear on my phone.

Maybe it’s an android thing.

iPhone dark mode.

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Looks fine on Android too.

It looks fine. No clue what these guys are complaining about. Other brokers use same colors too

Add me too. It looks really bad on my phone. Galaxy 24

Any android with a dark theme will look this way.(Which is a lot)

iPhone dark mode

iPhone light mode

@Leaselurk solved the problem, thank you!!!