Off-Topic Landfill 6

LR Alexandria? Lol

Nice. At least we have educated LHs. LOL.

If you saw these emails, you’d think otherwise lol


No. They do have another 130 for 10k off though. I’ll post a link to it in the proper thread.

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Here at future chevy we got 5k one pays for Blazers EVs and pretty good one pays for Equinox EVs

Where did you get this deal? Which dealer? I am also in the market. Please share.

Would you mind sharing the contract? I don’t see it over on the Signed page.
Thanks in advance.

nice! care to share the dealership?

Unique look but I don’t mind it :man_shrugging:t2:

Love a nice long boy defender

Would you be able to share the contact? I’ve been in the market for one for while and no luck

Congrats. Is 14% the norm?

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I would also appreciate if you could share the contact. Thank you!

you have to chip in for the dealers boat – This will cover the fuel to shelter island – let the dealer have fun – pay the $3,500

Would you mind PMing me the name of the dealership?

It also isn’t hard to ask which dealer it was.

Impressive deal! What dealer is this?

Hi @NickF - who is the dealer? Can you pls help me to connect as I am looking one car too


I would interested. Can you please hook me up with the dealer, thanks

Awesome deal. Congrats! Would love a PM of the dealership you used as I’m in CO and shopping. Amazed that they gave that extra reduction without the state tax credit.