Off Topic Landfill 5

Here’s an observation, you have zero clue what your doing. If you did you would have car
Now. Pull up your big boy pants and get it over with. No one wants to hold your hand!

Are you yelling at a tree?


I’m interested. please pm details

Ok I need one of these. Who can help me out in Ohio? Are we looking at 2-3 months for delivery?

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hello folks, anyone have any leads or recommendations for a good dealer that is willing to make a deal to earn new business in TX? houston area preferred but open to surrounding regions as well.

alternatively, what about a broker that works on TX leads? already checked with omega group & they only serve the west coast.

Anyone know if any dealer is doing good pricing on Charger Scat Pack or Hellcat orders?

Interesting. I like the guy that dimes out strippers and only fans chicks for not paying income taxes better though! Oh the ways to make millions in/from America…

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It’s actually not how it works.

There was already a tiktoker who did this as a joke on the same video & this guy is just using that to get views.

The whole whistle-blower process takes months if not years.

Rolling stone isn’t credible journalism? But their writers all have such impressive duhgrees


It took less than a day for this guy.

Season 1 GIF by The Simpsons

Their desperation is showing as they attempt to single-handedly cancel Eric Clapton. Another reason I support Taibbi, despite rarely agreeing with him, he broke the chains and ran, and I can get behind that by itself.

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yep and they glorify gene Simmons. Mustn’t go against dear leader

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IMO, Anyone who needs to look at tik tok videos to meet their weekly article deadline, an editor who approves & publishes it, I’ll say is purely tip toeing in the “tabloid” territory.

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Can you PM me the dealership details please

Any reason you think programs will get worse on these vehicles for 2022?

No I see your point, I was genuinely asking a question as you deal with leases day in and day out, I was just looking for your opinion.

I have not seen them get better yet but we literally have no data points on any programs for 22 yet so either way, we don’t know.

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I do not see them getting better. The risk falls more on the customer than the broker in this bulk order. That’s why I reduced my fee to $50. Because customers should not get shafted due to uncertainty and $250 is quite a bit of money to let go of.

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I tend to agree with @DistrictCars, with a min of 100 orders, that’s $25k in non-refundable broker fees if pricing goes crazy. The dealer deposit is fully refundable, but this is quite a payday for the broker no matter what happens.


F*** man that’s awesome. I love the matte black

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