Off Topic Landfill 5

bro why you even posting this…doesn’t add anything relevant to the convo…post this crap on every other brokers review page if you’ve had the same experience with all of them…if you just looking to waste their time then go to a dealership…

Hello Gabe, is there a good cash price for civic Hatchback EXL white? (NJ)

Hi, of course
Shoot me a text/email

such a pleasure working with you, Mike! Thanks for your attention to detail and dedication to the business

What are you expecting lol. You messaged him at 1 AM, and he responded the next day, and then because you didn’t get a same day response to your next question, you double messaged him sarcastically (on a Sunday).

You made it very clear the type of shopper you were going to be, and prob made it easy for him to pass up on the business.


All I was expecting? A response on either Friday or Saturday?

Clearly I’m the unhinged one for that.

I made it very clear that I wanted a an EV lease, and provided everything he needed to… make it happen, in any way.

Make me an offer, respond to my question – you know - something, anything?

Instead I got this. Your call, everyone else!

Just know that if you’re ITT looking for a polestar, they’re clearly for “repeats only”.


Customers like you are the reason his best deals are for repeats…

Who would want a customer like you?


a customer who reaches out with all relevant details in their first message indicating not only they’ve done this before - but they’re ready to sign if they find the right deal?

Wild, yeah, who would want that?


lol, yes you do sound unhinged. I have my own company as well and I’d fire you as a customer as well.


Eh the guys super overzealous with his texts and not a good customer but Aronchi’s in the wrong too for trying to get him blacklisted with other brokers and continuing to text after he asked to stop. Both of them should have just moved on early.


No I’m not. This guy’s entitled as anything. I’m doing the other @brokers a favor. He doesn’t deserve a deal.


You could’ve just politely followed up….and not at 3 in the morning. You’re competing with repeats, they’ll have an edge on you, so be polite. It doesn’t cost anything.

I’ll maintain that our entire transcript has been posted ITT. There wasn’t anything said between us that isn’t out in the open.

And I’ll repeat that all I felt “entitled to” was a reply to my message. From Friday at 1PM. And not getting that by the time Sunday rolled around left me a bit sour.

Two+ business days to reply to, and I quote -

Okay! for a midnight dual motor with pilot on 19s what's the TDAS and monthly inclusive of all taxes and fees

I guess you felt fit to ignore me in favor of your other customers. Why? I don’t know. I thought my first messages were both friendly and to-the-point about the business I wanted to do with you.

Sure, I wasn’t exactly cordial when I reached out again – but neither were you ghosting me for 48+ hours while I’m trying to lease a car from your brokerage.

You clearly have some kind of issue with me sharing feedback as “trying to tell you how to run your business” – I’m telling you this in so much detail so you, and hopefully future prospective customers of yours, understand why you lost mine.

Last I checked my dollars were every bit as good as those “repeats”. Maybe I would have even been one for you, ever consider that?

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It’s a free country and no private business has to take your patronage—no reason needed but it seems like you are a dick (not a protected class). Good luck with your vehicle search, but this is not productive.

Being mad on the internet seldom works out chief.

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Imagine thinking Fri 1pm to Sunday PM is “two+ business days.” :upside_down_face:

You’re flat-out entitled and wrong here. And every business qualifies leads. The fact that you haven’t once acknowledged that your expectations might have been misplaced validates the broker’s lead rating here even more than your original approach.


So we’re going with… “My crazy expectation” – to get a response requesting a quote on a car? From a “car broker”.

Got it. It’s funny, I thought his business was leasing cars. Clearly, it’s rather obvious he’d rather spend his time deciding who’s going to grovel enough to earn his favor.

Frankly, if I’m reaching out with a serious purchase inquiry by Friday at 1PM, I expect to have what I asked for by EOD. Anything else is a serious ball-drop.

I was kinda miffed, not even pissed - so I sent a message genuinely anyone with half a sense of humor would have just laughed an apologized for the lapse. Instead of responding with the numbers I asked for, days ago, I got this machismo BS.

What does this get me? Nothing. You’re right about that much @mattevan

“At this point you’re harassing me, I’ve asked you to stop contacting me twice now. Leave me alone.”

And yet you’re now on his business page harassing him in front of everyone. You’ve proven his point that you’re feeling very entitled in all aspects of this interaction. Running a car brokerage solo isn’t easy, and your expectations on turnaround time for an inquiry in the early morning hours on a Friday just before the weekend rush are not realistic. You could’ve just been respectful when you followed up instead of putting him down. And now, you’re unnecessarily bashing him in his own thread when you’re clearly in the wrong. Just quit while you’re ahead and use your time to go find what you want directly from a dealer. This didn’t help anyone on the forum.


What exactly is the point here?

Are you trying to prove he’s snide, especially when he gets a rude text at 3am?

You clearly don’t know said broker, because it’s about on brand for him to reply in the way he did.

Respectfully, you took his non response to you as personal when it was anything but…


Everything you said up until that last sentence is a fair assessment, I’ll give you that.

But at least a couple of people found something to validate in this exchange, and in the review thread – my experience with Aronchi started very straightforward and ended pretty dreadful, and I think that’s fair enough to share.

I could’ve been a little more respectful about it, sure - but he also could’ve not dropped my lead like a bad date. That would have been great too.

I think some of you guys have this whole situation a little backwards. I wasn’t asking him to do me any favors, I was looking to pay him ~$700 to broker my next lease – and provided literally everything he would need from me to make that my next step.

Instead of doing anything with that off-rip – or handling my later frustration with anything resembling a sense of humor, I’m still without another car and he’s without a sale. Worked out great for everyone, clearly.

Homie let it go already! What can I do to get you to drive home in letting it go today?