Off Topic Landfill 5

Cut the guy some slack, he could’ve been like Tom Brady who put a ton in FTX.


Market up about 20% since then. Doubling unlikely.

Preach my man, preach :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:

And @blakes because slow mode. :man_facepalming:

It seems quite hit or miss depending on the model at hand; some vehicles appear to be holding well and others I’m not certain that I would recommend purchasing at all in the near future.

I’ve been watching CPO Cayenne (‘19-‘22’s) pricing for the better part of a year. They have dropped significantly in the past few months, and seem to be continuing with the downward trend. It also seems there are more dealers who reduce their pricing sooner than they would have previously.

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If you’ve had any money in bonds, then you’ve lost money. Most wealthy people have a portion of their wealth, or much of it, in fixed income.

The S&P/Nasdaq/Dow are up about 15-22%.

Factor in cash, and 12-13% is probably the norm.

Many people in crypto/high-fliers/options lost everything.

If beating that was so easy, then why are so many profesionnals not doing it? They have more incentives, and resources, available.


The last few years were an exception not the norm. We’re not talking about getting yearly returns of 12% every year. But if you didn’t the last 5 years, you’re doing something wrong. Dow is down 10% from its all time high, so like it was said if you were overweight crypto/tech sure you might be down more. But when you get to a certain level of wealth, that risk is no longer worth the exposure, more then a small portion of your portfolio.

Don’t worry the wealthy don’t want you to know that they actually do make 8-10% a year or more, it’s in their best interest to have the masses think everyone’s portfolio is down just like the 401ks that fund their businesses and class A shares. The real power.

When you use the banks money loaned to you at sub 3% to buy out companies, returns are in the 1000s of percentage points for what you’re actually putting out of pocket also. To think they just invest in index funds is naive

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I don’t think that, I certainly don’t assume they’ve all managed to double their money either.

Even if they’d managed a decent 30% return, they’re looking at $6.5 million and then you have inflation of course, so how much is that really worth compared to 2 years ago…

Them all doubling their money in 2 years is simply not a physical possibility, it has not occurred🤣

Not all for sure. Like I said some crypto and tech def not. But with real estate pricing inflating 100% in many markets over 3 years, many def doubled up.

You have this also… if these billionaires with very diverse portfolios doubled, many others did as well. I know of many real estate investors that are prob up 10-20x their initial investment in the last 5 years. Have to remember they’re getting 100% of the property appreciation with only 20% down.

You mentioned inflation which onky compounds their gains more. It doesn’t affect them the way it affects the middle class. They raise prices of the products they sell to us, and make even higher profit margins.

I work with these people everyday. Toyota is as middle class as it gets. People are tapped out. Credit card balances are through the roof and affecting approvals. Rates are super high and prices aren’t falling nearly enough to compensate for that. They’re getting squeezed so hard and there will be a tipping point.

So you’re now saying ‘a selection’ of wealthy people have doubled their money.

A selection will also have lost a load.

It would be interesting to see which wealth band, as a whole made most on average

$1,500 off any VW. No Golf R or ID.4.

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Dealer will match any Mazda CX-5 Touring Plus, CX-5 Premium Plus, CX-5 Turbo monthly quote.


Hey @CertPharmT15 pls pm me as well…thx!

What was the RV and MF. Is this 24/10 or 36/10.
MSDs must have bring down the MF.

RV: $45357.75
18/10 term
MF: .00371 (pre One-pay and MSD)

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Does One Pay reduce the MF also.
I know MSDs reduce the MF .

Local dealer doing 4k off msrp and I still can’t pull the trigger
I’m cheap AF

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$4k off, did you donate a dog to the ASPCA?


They can’t move them man
2.99 on a purchase
Or 3.5X in a lease

Can you please PM me the dealer details too …

Interior shots pls

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Do you have any Toyota Siennas?