Off Topic Landfill 5

Memes are for pretentious startup kids, who refuse to actually speak to other humans. Car talk actually made that thread slightly better.

Feel free to create threads for car talk to make you feel better.

Hahaha wow, someone tried to get around the $250 donation fee. The level of degeneracy is unreal :laughing:

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Why the heck does this even happen? You weren’t asking for anything in return, so what advantage did this idiot think he/she would have by reaching out? Crazy. Some people are just too damned stupid to be wasting our precious breathable air.


Funny part is that they probably asked for free floor mats too.

Everyone loves free floor mats.


and free oil change…

I used to ask for free floor mats as my final demand after reaching agreement on the price. However, all the cars I have bought in the last 15 years or so come with mats included.

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I may start offering some extra markdowns for accessories (They’re residualized) on leases soon since NA is pushing VIA adds.

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Hi Jeff!

I’d be interested in a Pathfinder SL, what kind of deals do you have for that?

Also interested. PM me please.

Not on swapalease yet but posting it there tomorrow

He could be right. Supply is still way down for many models and demand up with the income gap rising. Would need a major stock crash and deflation to have large depreciation in the market for the rarest models.

Wealthy people have doubled their net worth on average the last couple years. That’s a lot of buying power. If that’s 10 million instead of 5 million. They can put that 5 mill in cds and spend an extra 15-18k a month and not dip into their savings at all…that’s on the low end of returns though.


Has everyone worth 5 million 2 years ago doubled their money?!

Seems hard to believe, would’ve thought most would have lost a lot the last couple of years…

Not that far-fetched when you consider what businesses were forced to shut down and which ones got to stay open during the turmoil of 2020 and the aftermath.

Things that make you go hmm. :thinking:


The Dow is down like 10% from the high. I doubt most wealthy people roll purely nasdaq. So in general they might be a bit down this year but the prior few years were explosive for them.

Factor in the appreciation on their primary, beach and winter home and I’m sure that will overcompensate for any tech losses, unless they were very overweight. I think most wealthy people don’t take those types of risk once they “made it”. They’re in large cap high dividend stocks. The smart money is always a step ahead, actually didn’t have to be that smart to see the tech bubble.


If the economy has literally doubled in size since 2020 (it hasn’t) the richest 1% would have had to have taken 100% of that growth to have doubled their money.

As its only gone up circa 10-20, say they have taken 2/3rds of that, the average 1%er will be at best about 13% richer than than they were in 2020

There is certainly no proof in that article or otherwise that everyone who had 5 million in the bank in 2020 is suddenly sitting on $10 million, it simply has not occured.

Assuming a top end estimate of 20% growth since 2020 and taking the 2/3rds number from that article, the numbers suggest they’re probably at about $5.6 million if they’d played their cards right.

If you think people with 5 mill in 2020 on average only have 5.6 now then :joy:
Just because the common man’s 401k is prob down 30-40% doesn’t mean that’s where smart money invests. 401ks have been a slushfund for hedge funds since they started.

On another note…


If you had 5 million dollars in 2020 and only made a 12-13% return since then in these explosive years…
You’d have to be the worst rich person ever. Give away all of your money to wealth management for the love of god.


Cut the guy some slack, he could’ve been like Tom Brady who put a ton in FTX.


Market up about 20% since then. Doubling unlikely.