Off Topic Landfill 5

I’d also really appreciate a PM for the dealer here. Thanks!

Anyone looking for a tax write off?

Follow the marketplace guidelines and don’t bump this please

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Examples of allowable bumps:

  • New deal or inventory announcements.
  • A business announcement that otherwise adds value or interest for the reader or builds community.

I argue that reminding folks about IRS code section 179 tax deduction before the end of the year adds value to readers.

Honestly I think the thread should be closed just based on this reply. There is no way you actually believe this.

Go ahead Scott. tell me what i should believe.

I mean hell, you replied to a thread looking for G550 deals 2 years later.

yeah so ?

I sold that one 2 days later, to a lease hackr.

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Generally speaking people aren’t still looking for a deal on a in 2022 on a thread they made in 2020.

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Really looks like he’s absolutley gutted their market

I live in liberal elite land and Tesla has gone from what people wanted, to bottom of their list, if annecdotal holiday party chat is safe and reliable data anyway :rofl:

Do you live with babies? I would love roommates that tell me what sort of car I can and can’t drive.


Nope. My wife and a university grad daughter.
Wife told me if you bring Tesla then you be sleeping in the cold freezing garge inside Tesla…
They wont sit in that car and wont ever drive it.

A simple yes would have sufficed. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


All the MORE reason to buy a Tesla.

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My wife stated that she wouldn’t want a Cybertruck in front of the house (because it’s hideous) but it could stay inside the garage. I could still sleep inside the house though :joy:

She was also the one that introduced me to Tesla’s and here we are :fire:


Have they ever driven one or even sat in one?
Seems another example of our University’s failing us.

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I guess I don’t understand virtue signaling. I won’t buy a Tesla on the principal of Elon (for what reason is that again?) but I will buy tons of things that have a supply chain built on war, child labor, enslavement, animal abuse, sex trafficking, and environmental destruction.

I can turn a blind eye to those things, because main stream media hasn’t told me they’re bad yet.


Do you mind sharing a copy of the contract, (with identifying info redacted, of course)?

I’m working on replicating this and want to see how the one pay was structured on the contract in case I need to teach the dealer how to do it.

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Yeah, im in the market too. If you dont mind, can I also get a copy of the contract? @giveleaseplease.

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Yes its the name Elon after tweeter episode…
Nothing to do with Tesla itself…
But they dont want to give up iPhone I tried so hard to push them towards android.
Its a Jesuit university, imagine if they gone to some liberal school like Berkley…