Off Topic Landfill 5

America of 2022 is closer to Cuba than you think. For all the talk of free markets and shit, it’s a joke. We are a socialist country for all intents and purposes. More than 1/2 the population receives a govt check of some sort. And that does not include the “free” Medicaid millions are on or the “free” college millions get and so on. China realized capitalism is how yiu get prosperity. We had it. And we pissed it away within a couple of generations.

Kids growing up in a 30k household have no where close to the options your children have. I’m positive of that.

Although I don’t agree with govt paid college, if we’re going to spend money on something it should be education and lifting people out of poverty. Much cheaper in the long run then $300/day incarcerated.


Maybe not. And it shouldn’t be my problem. My point is I am punished for my success and it’s all backwards.

Can’t have it both ways. Can’t be for capitalism but then turn around and say the poor need to be subsidized. That isn’t capitalism. It’s why China is kicking out ads. It’s sink or swim there, no “free” shit

Chinese pay taxes and get nothing for it? That’s the argument? And I said I’m not for govt subsidies but in reality they exist. So better to be used to lift people from poverty through education

China tax rates. 45% over 135k usd a year!
They have to pay for their Covid jails somehow I guess. I wouldn’t trade American life for a Chinese dictatorship. Their “free” markets are based on cheap consumer junk and counterfeit goods. Cash is basically banned as well.

The Chinese get shiny new airports and high speed trains at least. Lol.

I pay 40% of my income in tax when you account for fica taxes and what do I get? Jack and shit. And no I don’t get police protection or education for my kids. That comes from the close to $50k a year in property taxes I pay from the properties I own.

I pay and pay and pay and get virtually nothing in return. But the $30k guy pays nothing and gets everything. And Inhave this system. I also know there is nothing I can do but bitch about it online. So there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately you are not in control of how the government spends tax money. Your income is taxed. My income is taxed. The government then takes that money we earned. Once they take that money we earned out, it is no longer our tax money. It is now the government’s money. We have no control over the government’s money.

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The govt’s view is that it is entitled to 100% of my money and they generously allow me to keep a few Pennies on the dollar for myself. That is the rhetoric when a tax cut is debated. The treat a tax cut as a cost, because it is their money. That is a socialist mentality that we have built up over the past few decades.

It’s insane that you took that snippet of my quote out of context and ignored the rest.

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yes the cuban plantation owners who owned slaves and got pushed out by fidel aren’t happy that they had to give up their way of life. color me shocked.

america had that chance for everyone. you used to be able to be a janitor or a garbage man and send kids to college and own a home on one income. those days are over with.


They sure are long gone. You can thank government backed guaranteed college loans for that. It’s like a blank check for colleges. Stupidity at the highest level. Imagine what kind of cars ppl would be driving if the government gave guaranteed car loans for anyone at ridiculous amounts.

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It’s almost as if the more govt grew and the more “free” stuff govt gave to people the worse off people became.

So weird, huh?

Solution of course is MORE free stuff.

you keep saying this. it doesn’t mean what you think it means.

You can’t spend 5 trillion dollars efficiently or effectively. Impossible.

It’s ll graft, grift and vote buying.

Wicked Burn Bro.

That’s the dumbest most uninformed generalization I ever heard. Expected from you though. Just like my ancestors owned slaves bc I’m white. Even though My fam has only been here since the early 1900s. Almost no Cubans owned plantations just like almost no American has slave owning ancestors. Maybe .001% of the wealthiest wasps.

What’s your excuse for all the Venezuelans fleeing failed communism?

Ps garbage men and many blue collar workers make 6 gigs with overtime.


If you’re making 30k in this country that means you have a basic education(read/write) and you know right from wrong. If that’s the case there’s no reason you can’t make 60-90k with a little bit of effort. Some people need to take a hard look in the mirror. I was just talking to my electrician who’s been looking for a helper($20/hr) for 18 months now. The ability to learn a trade where you could go on to charge $100+/hr and nobody hungry for that opportunity. Amazing. There’s a big sign in front of all our schools looking for bus drivers. Starting pay $30/hr will train. The only ppl I feel bad for is the kids that grow up on the streets or backwoods with no parental guidance and don’t even know right from wrong. End rant.

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Very nice, I love Kemora!

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I saw this car at the local cars and coffee today, same color, had the hood open to display the 5 cylinder engine.
What a beauty.