Off Topic Landfill 5

So the .0001% of kids… community college is more then sufficient for the first 2 years fkr almost anyone. Transfer and get the same degree as others that paid 100k more.


If someone wants to go to college they will find a way to pay for it. Community colleges are practically free and state colleges are not that expensive. I worked two jobs for several years to save for college and while in college I kept working. I see absolutely no reason to subsidize college with taxpayer money.


Harvard also has some….interesting….selection processes.

When your admittance scoring starts looking more like pre-sentencing reports there’s something wrong.

That’s on the person who wants to go to Harvard.Would rather go to a full ride college and not be in debt at all.
Harvard ain’t that all magical.

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Education is a business. Once the govt got involved it ballooned. Just like everything else they touch. Guaranteed loans onky lead to one thing…higher costs for everyone. These schools have 100s of mill in endowments. Let them guarantee, and any default they pay for. Youll see a more prepared student.


I’m from the government and I’m here to help

9 words that should scare you to your core.


Round and round we go. We’re bordering apathy and dependence right now…while we squabble with each other they steal literally everything of value, including our minds. Maybe one of these times humanity will get it right, until then…

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We reached bondage with masking and forced vaccinations. Successful trial run.


Klaus approves of this message but the mass formation psychosis is only one aspect of that.

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i actually stayed in cuba for an extended period of time. it was better there than it is in many parts of this country. you should try visiting some time, or, for a real example of what its like in this country, why not head on down to jackson, MS and have yourself a nice glass of tap water.

this is literally an insane thing to say.

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I firmly believe that being poor in America is a choice.


“Mississippi is one of the most dependent states on the federal government, currently ranking third in federal funding, behind West Virginia and New Mexico, according to a 2022 study from financial tech company SmartAsset.”

Clearly the solution is more government.


Sick Burn GIF by MOODMAN


You da chillest trusted hackr


Naw…we got a bunch of chill THs…pretty proud of them.

everyone has at least one crazy opinion.

guess the solution is no government. you got me hoss, you win. i’ll never be able to recover from finding out that mississippi gets a lot of money from the federal government.

Landfill in 3…2…1…


I actually lived in central and South America for several years. Been to Cuba twice. Anyone that spent significant time abroad knows how much opportunity we have here. Currently live in Miami where 75% of my neighbors despise communism and all lived through it or had parents that did. Through hard work they rose out of poverty in one generation, America has that chance for everyone.

It’s also why people have been coming to America in droves for over 200 years. The system originally set up in this country was near perfect for a free man to thrive, now we’re returning to servitude with everyone else. Large govt will do that to you every time.


Worry about your own kids. Worry about your own family. I gather from your postings that you have done well financially for yourself. Be proud of that. Don’t worry about what anybody else will pay or won’t pay.

Your money affords you options. You have the option to “pay a few hundred thousand” for your children’s college. Your children can take a gap year. You can send your children to a trade school. Be thankful that YOU have made these options available for your family. Nice work.

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The $30k has the same options. Difference is he will use my tax money to make it happen. So I pay for his kids and my kids. Failure is rewarded success is punished.