Off Topic Landfill 5

definately not the reason for this thread…LOL


You can still catch Covid with the vaccine - pretty common - I thought I was immune till I caught it twice after the vaccine

that’s not why the vaccine exists. you can still catch the flu with the flu shot. the vaccine is not designed so people dont get the virus…


You are right - wrong forum

Thx for the suggestion to contact a LI dealership…I’m 0 for 4 with my offers, speaking directly to 2 GM’s who kindly explained that it isn’t even “worth it” to provide a counter offer, b/c (according to them) my expectation of a 8%- 10% discount plus low interest rate plus conquest isn’t going to happen in this environment. I’m kinda’ done at this point to start up again, and wanted to check in with Mike here. Adding I drive a 2020, so it isn’t like I "need* a new car.

Anybody know how to post a lease transfer here? I have a X4 M40i 2021 561 a month 17k miles

Hi can you please send me link for the spread sheet. I’m interested in the etron GT numbers.
Thank you

Texted you

can I get the spreadsheet? looking for an etron!

Does anyone still answer these?
First time leasing, so wondering how to find the RV and MF on specific vehicles.

Welcome to the forum. Edmund forums are the best place to look up MF and RV (i.e. if you want the MF and RV for a 2021 Corolla, google 2021 Corolla MF, and it will take you to the thread where you can ask per zip etc.)

anyone have an OL code they would like to lend me?

Will DM you an OL code expiring Aug 31st in a couple of minutes.

Can you share the email of BMW NA?

Who did you email?

Any chance of another code?

Hi I am new to leasing and this site. Can anyone tell me what MF, residual and lease, or loyalty credits if any should I be looking for in a 2021 Toyota Camry or Corolla 4/dr 36/12K per year zip code 95821. Thank you.

Please read the 101 posts. As for the MF/RV/Incentives, please go to edmunds and request that info there. There was recently a camry deal posted ehre so you can use that as a guide.

The best place to start is

Please read links in there such as “how to calculate payments” and other helpful articles.

It might seem like a lot but TBH there are fewer <60 minute exercises which will save you so much time, money and anxiety over your driving lifetime.

It may also save you (after your negotiations with LH input) inside the finance office where no one can from the internet can really help you.

Remember, it’s almost impossible to reverse-engineer the math starting from the output (monthly payment) and figure out if it’s a good deal. Start at the beginning.

Having current, accurate information for residual value, money factor, and incentives is important in understanding your deal. As such, going directly to a source that has access to that data from the captive banks is your best option. The forums at Edmunds are where we go to get that information, as they have direct access to it from the captive banks. You’ll want to post in the model specific thread for the vehicle you’re interested in and request the most current numbers for your zip code. It is often easiest to find that thread by searching Google for “Edmunds lease” followed by the model of vehicle you’re interested in.

Alternately, you can try the Lease Program Query tool on the Leasehackr Calculator, available to Super Supporters.

Wish I could find a deal like this in NYC. Could you PM me contact info? Thank you

I think you did good job in this market. Can you please share the dealer information for me?
And how do you like your new car?