Off Topic Landfill 5

He is one of the veteran flippers.

Conversely, if most of the flippers leave, the community is much better off.

It seems that some of the clutch lobby is just a set of flippers that destroyed many dealer relationships due to:

  1. Complaining about $300 Acq ‘mark-ups’ in the name of ‘transparency’
  2. Sending multiple, thesis-sized emails to the dealer about a $200 discrepancy.
  3. Being denied their orders to do low credit or multiple active accounts (from flips), so they came to LH to shred dealers/brokers on this site.

Hell, some of y’all even took Clutch through the ringer over a $300 acquisition fee markup :smile:

All, while making thousands on flips :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings:

^^^vested interests

Pretending? I believe I stated it outright 1 or 2 posts back.

Buy from Clutch and sell to Clutch. You made thousands. So don’t pretend like you have an unbiased opinion. I can really careless that you made money, but you opened this can of worms pretending like you’re a good Samaritan with that mullet

At this point, your posts are just word vomit. No logic. If you are upset, well, then that summarizes how the rest of us felt when we discovered the ethical violation of another broker. None of us really pandered around like a child in the manner you are though. So there is no point in having a debate with you. You’re going in circles my man, but get it all out…blast away.

If anything, you are ruining Clutch’s legacy.

To be fair, I actually requested for another form of punishment (did not involve a ban). But I won’t get into that.

Anyways, this is a website. If you don’t like it, you can leave. Simple. Want Clutch’s deals? Go to his site.

Messed up that he fired @wantingadeal though.

He can post up the whole “hidden” thread. 0 effect.


Interested in EQE asap - please contact me

@max_g since I can’t post for 2 hours now, when will you remove slow mode :slightly_smiling_face:

Let’s give it a shot and hope dead horses can be buried

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Hope all is okay? I’ve e-mailed you a few times about the Audi A6 (Black Optics Package) with no response! Can you please let me know if we can work out a deal?

Why you posting pictures of @GOAT


I try to be a man of god, but @Dany1122 is making it difficult. @GOAT , put on a sweater and some pants.

Too much heat for LH


I’m flattered guys but i’ve got nothing on @Ursus



Lol. Micheal and Victoria gonna think the platform got hacked. We talking about women and posting swimsuits


More my style


I was thinking more like this


This thread getting freaky by the minute

Why are we all imagining bear??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That works too :grin:


I’m trying to make out the word, but I think he’s shouting, “landfillllllll”



Ask @GOAT :neutral_face:

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Simple tactic of shifting public eye


I see what you did there.

très efficace!

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Any great deals in norfolk virginia on a lease ? Like whats the best deal currently in that area? Im not picky I just want great value onthe calculator here