Off Topic Landfill 5

700s would get you in an infiniti or lexus hahahaha

In what world is someone paying 700 for an Infiniti?

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How about $959 a month with $7400 due at signing?

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the wagoneer will be $900 month hahaha

more, i think the base will at 900$ and the grand will be like 1200$

This guy that posted this is an idiot and you all are just as equally stupid for replying to his dumbass questions. Kind of entertaining to watch and laugh at though.

and you’re commenting here, why?


I don’t think I care for your negativity, Zach.

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I don’t care if you care or not. Just go back to giving this guy advice he won’t take and waste some more of your time. Lol.

New to this forum but I really need some help with a G63. I have had a very difficult time getting my hands on this car and despite ordering and making a deposit I was scammed by a dealer who lied to me on 2 occasions and I later found out the car was sold out from under me. I now have 2 dealers in my area who have the G63 both are willing to sell for 50k over sticker. I am about to pull the trigger and wanted to see if anyone on this message board had any advice or better deals on a 21 G63? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Don’t pay $50k over sticker? I wouldn’t pay $5k over sticker.

The advice is wait 4-6 month months and reassess, don’t try and transact now.

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The problem is they were trading over sticker pre-pandemic. The market has gotten so out of control. I shopped the newly redesigned 2019 body in 2018 when it was first released and was quoted 10k over sticker with a lease payment north of 3k and thought they were out of their minds. I leased a 2018 Range Rover instead for nearly half the price. Since then the market has become even more insane. I have driven the urus, Range Rover autobiography and x5m and none compare to the G. It seems the longer I wait the more the price goes up.

$10k over sticker is still way better than $50k over sticker

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I wholeheartedly regret not leasing back then. I am not sure if truthful or bs but some dealers I have spoken with say they sold vehicles 100k over sticker.

Possibly. :man_shrugging:t2: It only takes one. There are a lot of people who are both paper-rich and posses no financial sense.

You realize you can’t residualize that $50k bump, and the MF on G63 is going to make amoritizing it over the term absolutely brutal (if it’s even within the advance, which it probably won’t be). You are going to have to pay that as a CCR, and if it gets totaled by a dummy who hits you at the grocery store the next week :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings: and you have to pay it again to replace it.

I understand the heart wants what it wants, but $1388.88 (+ rent and tax if you can roll it in) per month, for 36, just on the bump?

Have you talked to any brokers/dealers in the Marketplace to see what they can do? I’d at least want to be on everyone’s cancellation callback list.

I vaguely recall one broker or dealer, prior to the most recent round of crazy prices (I think), saying that Gs go for $30K over sticker all day long. I imagine a G63 will be even more crazy (not sure if that post was referring to the G63 specifically).

@G63NY can ask @Calvin.MB if there better deals to be had. But I suspect there are not (or, at least, not by much).

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People should be pushing MB to raise MSRP if this is the new normal. It’s a bizarre kind of initiation fee at this point, which I understand (maybe) ON A PURCHASE. It never makes sense on a lease, ever.

I was wondering this as well. The additional deposit (regardless of how it is allocated) will not be residualized but I was assured because it is part of the total cost of the vehicle it will be insured. I am not certain how this will shake out and will have to have my attorney review the policy language but my insurance broker and the dealer did assure me it would be covered in the event of a total loss. I just got a bite from a broker and hopefully will be able to get the car for less. The silver lining with the G63 is that it holds its value so well and the true cost of ownership will be substantially less than the sum of the payments. The worst case scenario would be car fax report in the event it is damaged and not totaled in which case the lease option protects me from a 50-100 thousand dollar ding.

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This I would definitely check. A bump sticker isn’t an aftermarket modification. Show/antique/exotic insurance might cover it, I don’t know.

The guy just highjacked the thread

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