Off Topic Landfill 4

Yes many trainers and others I am close with all pushed fasted cardio. I used to do it all the time and pushed others to do it

Def not the case.

There no scientific evidence behind it. What you’re practicing is a merely a product of coincidence and honestly it’s not the healthiest practice. Was debunked a couple years ago as it has to do with insulin manipulation but you know that. You’re practicing pseudo science :man_shrugging:t2: And we talk about causation doesn’t always mean correlation on this forum all the time here at leasehackr which is what fasted cardio is

Now intermittent fasting that’s a different story

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A bit off topic, but I agree that fasted cardio has its benefits. Unless of course someone “breaks the fast” with some kale and 100 calorie protein shake, which is basically nothing.

Either way, I lost over 35lbs twice in my life, and my keys to controlled calorie consumption and effective cardio was going to bed hungry (no food 3-4 hours before sleep) and fasted cardio (20-30 min run in the morning).

These days it’s called intermittent fasting. Always a new fancy name for some guy reinventing the wheel.

ANYHOO… I finally crossed 300 miles!


While I actually find this fasting conversation interesting, it’s not particularly relevant to the lt1

My friend the article you sent me a link below proves you wrong. Im sorry im not talking about personal trainers at a gym im talking about high level athletes who practice this on a daily basis.

Please read all information, especially from sites your reference.

This study for the first time shows that fasted training is more potent than fed training to facilitate adaptations in muscle and to improve whole-body glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity during hyper-caloric fat-rich diet.

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Touché apologies we got off topic.

Lots think they attribute their weight loss to fasted cardio

But honestly there’s no science to back it up and it was pseudo. This was debunked with actual scientific data and tests to finally figure it out back in 2010s. They discovered it wasn’t the case at All

Intermittent fasting and fasted cardio are NOT the same thing.

One is many hours of fasting 16-24 or even 48 hours and affects the mitochondria in your body in a crazy way, while one is just working out on an empty stomach in the morning lol which only hurts. All it does is actually cause the body to be stessed and want to hold on to fat cells in an emergency because you’re working out fasted.

You were in a calorie deficient that’s why you lost weight lol, can’t attribute it all to fasted cardio. I used to do that and I was naive lol

My bad I copy pasta the wrong link lol… iPhone

This was the one I meant to send. Either way exercising is still better than sitting on your ass lol. I’ll make sure I double check things for you, wouldn’t wanna indulge more myths/fads

“ The authors conclude that when moderate endurance exercise is done to lose body fat, fasting before exercise does not enhance lipid utilization; rather, physical activity after a light meal is advisable.”

“In conclusion, our findings indicate that body composition changes associated with aerobic exercise in conjunction with a hypocaloric diet are similar regardless whether or not an individual is fasted prior to training. Hence, those seeking to lose body fat conceivably can choose to train either before or after eating based on preference.”

There’s far more evidence I just have to get back to work. Hopefully this helps ya

Sent a PM, thanks!

I believe the proper technical term these days is TRE/TRF (Time Restricted Eating/Time Restricted Feeding) while intermittent fasting refers to voluntary fasting/non fasting over longer periods, generally 24 hours+ (ex. 1 day fast, 1 day eating or 24 hr fast 1 day every two weeks.)…I could talk about this stuff all day and have some fantastic resources for those interested

I would do this deal if presented to me in texas. Are these rebates all applicable to everyone?

I’d like to know the dealer. Thanks in advance!

I’d like to know the dealer too! Thank you!

Congratulations OP! Interested to know the dealership name too

Can you share dealer with me?

Can you please share the dealer with me please?

Yes let us know! Trying to surprise the wife for her bday

Please let us know. Thanks.

Please let us know the dealership if you can.

If it’s possible, kindly share the dealer information as I’m interested to replicate or have a similar deal. Thanks

Hi, do you mind sharing dealer information ? thank you.

We must be the ones missing something because LaVaDrews says in his profile that he is “here to spread the word of the AMAZING leasing specials we have going on!” So this must be one of their “AMAZING” deals lol.

Seriously though, if you are going to post a “blowout” sale, make it that. This is just click bait for another lazy dealer that thinks they can use words like “blowout” or “amazing” and we are going to jump on an awful deal. Good luck with your blowout sale but you will not get any traction here at that absurd price.

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