Off Topic Landfill 3

With all the respect, you telling me not to speak up? Banned for what? That would be against my 1st amendment and also unfair. I have reached out to so many dealers and brokers, never got insulted and attacked like from those brothers. Everyone is polite and patient answering customer questions. It must be my nationality that they don’t like. That’s the only explanation for their aggressive behavior. You take sides too by only telling me to stop!

You’re the one being aggressive towards us for some odd reason and neither of us know your nationality, but you obviously know ours so maybe that’s your problem here?
You’re the one that threw out the racist remark

Also, we weren’t aggressive with you in our thread and defended ourselves when you tried to play the victim card.
We politely explained to you multiple times that we can’t sell you a car if you’re not in CA and you continued to comment on our thread

Lol… So I don’t know either party but this is what I see…

Someone was dumb and got called out on it. The dumb guy calls the broker unprofessional, makes a seemingly racist comment then plays the victim card?


Why is it unprofessional for stating a fact?

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No dog in this fight, but as a lawyer, I have to clarify an all-too-common misconception. The First Amendment in no way, shape or form applies to private matters. It applies to government-led efforts to suppress speech. If LH wants to ban you for something you said, they have every right to do that and in no way violates your constitutional rights. FYI


No, it wouldn’t. The 1st amendment protects against the government restricting speech. It offers no protection against your use of a private platform.


when did you create the fake account, just now to insult me?

All, please stop the back and forth; stick to Facebook for this type of conduct. This is a final warning. Otherwise, I’m going to have to close the Landfill to general comments.


Nope, not what I said.

Looking to lease a gls 2020 or x7 to replace my current gls lease.

Just start searching. Could wait for another month.

Any brokers or contacts? Thanks.

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Stop spamming, we get the point

Since it has been over 3 years from the last one, why not wait like 6 months until COVID cools down. Clearly people can’t be responsible and need the lock downs.


Totally understand where you’re coming from~ but I figured it’s outdoors so it shouldn’t be too bad? Even the Irvine city activities are still operating normally especially the indoor activities for kids- like DnD and daycare :man_shrugging: So I dunno how bad it really is at the moment. I guess it’s a come at your own risk situation. Most of OC is still opening normally as well- including indoor businesses.


Agreed. People should assess their own risk factor and make their own decision.

Besides, what was that phrase that was used? 15 days? 15 weeks? 15 months to slow the spread? :face_with_monocle:


If it was only as simple as “your risk”. “Your risk” is riding a motorcycle without a helmet. Go for it, I won’t stop you.
A pandemic isn’t about you, it is about your fellow citizens. Your risk impacts others. The NJ wedding is a great example. 55 people went to a wedding that resulted in 9 dead, none of whom who actually went to the wedding. So your risk is society’s risk. And because something is open doesn’t mean it is okay. North Dakota is open while 1 in 800 residents is ending up dead. There was only 1 person who said 15 days and that person has an IQ of a 5 yo.


Why even let people drive cars? Every car that’s on the road is a risk to others. 1.25 million people die every year from auto accidents. We as human beings have to accept that there are risks and death around us constantly. If you want to wear a mask inside your house alone watching CNN go for it but I’ll take the fresh air with fellow hackers.


Or you can watch OAN and see the video of LAX with no one in the terminal, lamenting the lack of holiday travelers and impact of quarantining on the economy… when in fact millions flocked the airports yesterday. #outofcontext #propaganda

Sure there’s risk of driving and yes, a big downside to shutting down the motorways to mitigate that risk. But it’s a poor comparator to taking precautions in a pandemic, with what’s going on in the ICUs of every single hospital in the country. That my friend is undeniable.


I have a nurse friend who passed away from Covid. She contracted it from a patient who wanted to live his life. He survived. She didn’t.

So what? Tragedy strikes everyday. Yes that’s sad but that’s life.


So you would be find if u you contracted covid and gave it to your parents and they end up dying?