Off Topic Landfill 2

I don’t say this a lot, but that’s a unicorn.

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Thanks guys! I’ll create a post to share the deal.

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LH community just witnessed @sramirez steal an M340xi

this is nuts, you can probably flip this for cash.

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Sounds like a story here. Sorry that happened to you.

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OK. I did it again using blank LH calculator. Sorry for that.

@nyclife. I will be more that happy to discuss this with You

If nothing to discuss why You think i wanted to save $499? Based on Your spreadsheet including Your fee I would end up with the same cost. Not sure where is my saving…


No… Your deal is exactly the same deal I have posted. 3250 under invoice.

You didn’t answer my question.

PS. I don’t ask questions I don’t already know the answers to (there is proof, just will need to go get it from the respective parties involved)…

I will be more than happy to involve 4 of us in this conversation and would like to go back to very beginning of this.

^ answer the question… not overly complicated.

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Yes, I use Your spread sheet for 5 or 6 Volvo dealers at that time.

Did he actually contact you directly and discuss leases or just used your spreadsheet to get a deal without ever contacting you directly?

He’s contacted me many times on many different cars, not sure on the specific one. If he went somewhere else used my sheet… oh well… wouldn’t care, glad someone didn’t overpay!!

However, there is a reason why my Volvo deals are so good, because of my great relationship with my dealer partners.

That being said, I just recently found out he tracked down the exact person at the exact dealership I use to buy a car from.

IMO great relationship is not reserved just for You.

And how many cars have you bought? 1/2.

Try 250 min

Sorry but I am in commercial custom woodwork business. Not doing this to make money…

Strongly disagree, I’m a (potential) customer, not a broker. I generally dislike brokers, but it is completely unethical and low, to use a broker’s hard earned relationship and their own spreadsheet to snake the exact same deal while cutting out the broker to save $499. Terrible karma, and hopefully the customers name gets shared in the broker community, or beyond.

it ruins the helpful information we get from (good) brokers on this site


What territory is that? Have your legwork and connections hijacked? I hear the whole “it comes with the territory” BS everywhere… from stealing content online to mistreating ppl at their jobs.

It’s okay to do better and be better.


Please pm with updated numbers since we didn’t get to close in May.