Off Topic Landfill 2

No you wouldn’t. You would then be reaching out to another dealer for 18% off probably.

You almost sound like the dude who asked me for a special corona virus discount as the world is ending. What u (and many others) don’t get, is just cause of all the craziness, no dealer is throwing away cars out. So stop with your assumptions maybe and be happy signing off on 15% off LOCAL deal that you are getting (hopefully)

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@Zein basically after looking at your bio.

your using lease hacker to gather all the “info” in hopes of making some sort of app/software to streamline the process that is different than the others that already exist. that’s fine but don’t waste peoples time and act as if your looking to do business when your just gathering intel .

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I don’t think any of us are saying we can do better.

I think at least what I am saying is, it seems odd that you are asking for 3% less of a discount to get a deal 3000 miles away.

To say any of us conduct unfair business practices is just a low blow with no basis to your argument. If you practice your business fairly, you wouldn’t do that.

Leverage by playing against multiple brokers/dealers that is eh? Lol.

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His website doesnt even work. :smirk:

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So does Airbnb, Uber etc. Same with your “concept business idea”

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Arent you doing the same thing? Planning on creating a platform where dealer or consumer will pay you a fee for business?

Yeah yeah make the under cutters do the work for u lol. Good luck and enjoy that 15% in good health dude.

I’m eager to see how you can possibly streamline the process any more than the current apps and software that exist like carvana, rodo, vroom, etc.

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Fredy, the irony of this weird argument is that my company seeks to put you guys out of a job permanently.

So the aggression is just! It really is…I can’t even be mad bro.

Anyway- good luck Fredy!

Those apps are good- they don’t solve the supply chain issue in the negotiation from beginning to end

Failed attempt 1:

Failed attempt 2:

Failed attempt 3:

3 years, $0 raised.


Think about the words “best price” it’s 100% subjective, and the dealer has final control right? These apps put lipstick on a pig

Wow. Is that the lowest you can fall really ? Replying to a dealer who couldnt match ur imaginary 15% of deal like that? You actually beat the member who was pissed at BMW for not taking his lease back 12 months early. Somebody give this guy a Trophy already !!!


So what exactly is your bright idea that differentiate yourself? I am actually curious.

:joy: ok boomer!

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He keeps changing names just like websites he pointed out.

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Sit tight boys! I’ll post the Evo and the dealer details when it’s signed.

Lmao @ thats the best you could come up with ?