NOOB Questions - Jeep Wrangler 4XE Sahara


Thanks for the update. Very helpful.

Is it me or is sfs mf worse than ccap, but ccap is only $3750 ev rebate?

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I had the same question. Hopefully someone can help clarify/educate.

Correct on both.

So it’s possible to grab a Rubicon for about 25k off if you could get the deal at 10% off msrp(65K) and use SFS for the $7500 EV rebate? Seems like a pretty good deal even though the SFS rates are ridiculous.

$6500 discount
$7500 ev
$11000 dealer cash
$1000 TDM

So $26k off. Still going to be a painful lease compared to what these once were


You think around $340 a month with $0 down is a terrible price for the Rubicon on a 24/10k miles type lease? Pretty bare bones with soft top and just the convenance package but that’s all I really need anyways.

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I’m assuming this will work for the 24’ 4xe HA too? This would actually make the lease for a 36/12 somewhat decent. If the dealer I talk to will negotiate on these terms.

Can you provide a calc link on how you got to that number? That’s pretty good

HA rv is a good bit lower, so for the same msrp as a rubicon, youll get a good bit higher lease cost.

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Doesn’t seem horrible, what’s the biggest differences from June, the RV?

The biggest difference from June is the money factor on these. All up around .005 now.

Rv differen e between an HA and a rubicon on a 24 month lease is 5%. That makes a huge difference in lease price.

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Thank, Brutal on the MF.

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Looks like rv for HA is 54% w mf 00492. Do you have the discount breakdown for this trim?

Same as last month

$11k dealer cash on HA, Rub, Rub x
$9k sahara
$6k sport s and willys


I’d say that’s pretty solid. But base Rubi is pretty bare bones and options raise the price pretty quick.

$340x24 is a great deal. Take it.

$0 down or DAS?

Didn’t want a Rub X, now I do LOL

Thank you sir!

My broker told me no dealer cash or rebates (EV included).

So you can get a new Rubi at about $40k +tax, if you buyout the lease immediately?

Seems pretty solid given my 21 Sahara 4xe is at $35k buyout.