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  2. Nominate deals that you think are replicable. One-off unicorn deals are inspirational, but most people can’t get them, and it may create unrealistic expectations for the general audience.

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I think the highlander leases right now probably have the most mass market appeal for the casual reader.


Deals need to be apples-to-apples. Some deals have low monthly with large DAS and will look way better then others with minimal DAS. My XC90 deal could technically compete at $324/mo + tax with that Highlander deal above lol

I 100% agree that yours is a better deal than the highlander leases. For John Smith who comes across the front page and is looking at lease deals, the highlander, at least in my opinion, seems to be something much more readily replicable.

I agree about the Highlander. I just think the only correct way to compare deals is on monthly payments only, without anything capped and new vs new, loaner vs loaner, MSDs vs MSDs.

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I can’t argue with that

As previously said anything currently replicable with usual attainable stats (MSD instead of fees DAS)