Nissan Leaf Prices all over the place

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Yup… sometimes you just can’t lead a horse to water.

It happens much of the time when the dealer comes back with an offer, that might even be fairly reasonable, and one doesn’t jump all over it. They can sometimes turn a little combative and use a lot of exclamation points in their messages. I’ve noticed this can happen if one gets into lease minutia a little bit. Honestly, I usually just play the game according to their rules…99% of the time they just want to know what your payment target is. In the current environment, where FOLP (fear of low payment) is honestly not that much of a real thing with dealers, it’s easier IMO to just talk their language directly. A couple of years ago when getting a $50,000 car for $200 a month was actually a thing, FOLP was very real though.

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100% agreed. Which makes lease hacking zero fun these days :upside_down_face:

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Glad to see I’m not the only one who feels that way! The challenge is still there, but the victories are few and far between, and the definition of a “good deal” in one’s mind definitely has to change. I’m honestly still stuck in 2019😜

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OP accomplished the same thing by signing a deal he couldn’t be bothered to understand, so there’s that. :wink:


Troll, where are the pics of it in your driveway? I didn’t see them in the trophy garage. Your deal sucks


Respectfully, you said that you “needed to do more research” at 7PM on January 10th. The next day at 3:41 PM you posted the most recent quote, which appears to be from the dealership you signed at. At approximately midnight on January 12th you posted that the car was in your driveway. Given the timeline, assuming other work and personal responsibilities during that timeline and the generally agreed upon human sleep requirements, unless you are Neo from The Matrix how much research could you have possibly done? These things take time for anyone to get a grasp on. If you truly want to get a good deal you usually have to be patient and willing to shop around. Regardless, enjoy the car.SilkyGranularAtlanticblackgoby-small


It’s ok… we need deals like this to fund the LH deals. Now there’s a Leaf data point on what not to do… works out.

Dealer may not not have bought a boat… maybe a jet ski.

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Let’s wrap this up with the anatomy of someone coming to LH and expecting to be spoon fed without doing any research on their own, and exiting with one of the worst deals I’ve seen in months.

He did go to Edmunds. However, it doesn’t appear as though he did anything with the information that he received;

I honestly have no idea how @zwill74 got such an awful deal, aside from seeing a lease sheet that appeared to be a ‘good’ discount but not tying that to an actual lease payment. Using his MSRP leaf and the inputs, I get this:


Both hilarious and sadly, if he had simply put what he got from Edmunds into the LH calculator: he would have found out that the 24mo/12k term is significantly cheaper given these crappy inputs. This is yet another case of;

  • The dealer will give you exactly what you ask for if it’s in their favor
  • Sales guys have no idea how to calculate monthly payments
  • It’s on YOU to do your own research and legwork
  • The vast majority of lease quotes and dealer sheets don’t mean squat aside from the monthly payment - they can put whatever they want or don’t want to on them


I would be very interested to see the contract. This was either sold above MSRP, with dealer adds, with an MF markup or all 3.

Had OP just slowed down and done what I just did in <5 minutes, he should have easily been able to get this for under $200/mo like he wanted. Here’s a meager 5% dealer discount;



A few recent Leaf deals posted have mentioned that.


@zwill74, you said in this thread that all you were given were useless responses that were of no help and telling you to do more research.

The first three responses to you in this thread instructed you to do exactly what @chrishs2000 has done here; gather rv/mf/incentives from edmunds and filter them through the information in the leasing101 to work out what it takes to get to your target price.

Had you listened to this advice and worked through the simple math problems, you’d have came to the same conclusions. By working out what it takes to get to the target price you wanted before talking to a dealer, you would have set yourself up for success.

By deciding that we were just spewing useless information at you and not going through those steps, you’ve cost yourself thousands of dollars over the life of the lease.

Should you decide to give this leasing thing a try again in the future, do your homework first. Learn the fundamentals, work out a reasonable target price, and stick to it. We weren’t telling you to step back and do the math from the beginning because we’re bored and feel like tasking random internet strangers with pointless busywork.


OP said on the post with the signed deal that “MF was 00003 but they charged me more”

Every once in a while the universe reminds me some people get what they have coming to them.

Mmmm faith restored.

Or else this is the great Nissan Leaf cuck of 2021.

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Seeing all this my guess is that @zwill74 already removed LH app from his phone or computer. LOL

Actually my wife might be, can you lease to Michigan resident?

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Thanks for your post. I did have the MF, Residual, MSRP and selling price on my posted from yesterday at 3pm. When I said the numbers don’t add up in the calculator everyone told me to start over and I didn’t know what I was doing. When what they should have offered is what you just posted.

The dealer obviously marked up the MF by 3% ish. That’s all I was asking originally. Had someone just said that, I would have been better equipped to deal with them. But everyone just wanted to burn the new guy at the stake, and still do obviously.

I’m sorry that I don’t know everything everyone else does, what a boring world that would make for. “It’s for our individualism that we make for social, inquisitive, and happy people.”

Yes I had that in my post yesterday and asked why the numbers didn’t add up. It was a simple response. The dealer was marking up the money factor. That’s it.

So you wanted to be spoon fed…lol? You need to do your due diligence in this too

The dealership didn’t have a gun to your head, you have only yourself to blame. Not blaming others for getting upset when they have explicitly told you more than once what was wrong and what you need to do. I can comb back through this and see they answered your questions adequately more than once and even provided insight. They had no obligation to you for that

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You asked about fees and were immediately answered.

Let’s break this down to questions that should be easily answered if you did your homework.

What pre-incentive discount was required to get to the previous $150/mo payments? What lease programs differed between then and now? What pre-incentive discount was required to get you to the $250/mo payment that you wanted based on the programs that applied to you? What was your target deal that you established prior to talking to the dealer? Why did you depart from that target deal?

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In your discussions with the dealership, did you ask them what the money factor/interest rate was?

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