Nissan Leaf Prices all over the place

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You asked about fees and were immediately answered.

Let’s break this down to questions that should be easily answered if you did your homework.

What pre-incentive discount was required to get to the previous $150/mo payments? What lease programs differed between then and now? What pre-incentive discount was required to get you to the $250/mo payment that you wanted based on the programs that applied to you? What was your target deal that you established prior to talking to the dealer? Why did you depart from that target deal?

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In your discussions with the dealership, did you ask them what the money factor/interest rate was?

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At the end of the day $50 or $60 per month ($1,800) isn’t significant enough to deal with the extra steps to “Hack”. I work 55 hours a week, have two kids, a wife, and a crazy fuc*ing mother in law and getting this done and over with was worth the price paid.

Ultimately I’ve discovered that my time is worth more spent elsewhere, not hacking a lease.

I get paid to do my job and the dealership and salesperson got paid to do theirs.

End of the day, I’m happy.

Nothing wrong with prioritizing other things in life over diving into this. In the future, utilizing a lease broker to do the work for you may be something to consider. Spending $500 to save $2000+ isn’t a bad ROI and saves you the hassle of doing it yourself.

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I would absolutely pay $500 or $1,000 to never have to do this again. How do I find one in the future?

Seller Reviews - Leasehackr Forum is a great place to start

You search through current offerings here as well Marketplace - Leasehackr Forum

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This is why our recommendation is always to make your own deal given the inputs and your research, email it to every dealer in your region that has the vehicle you want in stock, and sign when one accepts.

I guarantee that you spent way more time working with one dealer on this deal and flailing about than it would have taken to send the virtual same email out to a handful of Nissan dealers.

I guess I value my own money more than most, but given similar constraints to you I would be happy to spend a couple hours to save thousands :slight_smile:


That’s a great idea, I wish that suggestion was offered on the OP, would have made things a lot simpler.

Maybe we should include that into the “basic questions” canned response for gathering MF/RV @trusted_hackrs ? I feel like we say it in basically every thread.


I’ll take a crack at putting together another canned response. I’ve been meaning to do a more thorough “why asking if a deal is a good deal means you haven’t done your homework” post.

You can fix that by not answering questions unless OP has mf, rv, and incentives. Somehow I don’t think that would work.

LeaseHackr forum is like a 200 level course office hours and the pre-req is leasing 101.

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Yeah, there should be a macro for that.



If LH gets to 100-200 level its too mainstream…and we can kiss our hacking goodbye😁

Personally I absolutely CHERISHED the guy I saw signing on a 8 series vert at the dealership when I picked up my last car there. I absolutely knew he, and 10 others, paved the way for me.


I was actually thinking that if one were to rename the categories:

  • Shared Deals → “Entice Me”
  • Ask the Hackrs → “Teach Me”
  • Marketplace → “Just do it for me”

Also I missed this the first time:

Christmas 2021? Was a time machine involved? Were we retroactively working a signed deal from last month?


I love it. And the wanted ads thread can be “Abandon all hope here”


“Please Keep All Wanted Ads Here” → “Someone Decide For Me”

Edit: full disclosure, my first LH post should have gone under a hypothetical “someone decide for me” category

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Private Transfers: “Take me away [from this car]”

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…ouch :adhesive_bandage:

Some people just don’t want to be helped.