Negotiating a 2024 Lyriq AWD Lux 2 - $919/mo

Would appreciate negotiating guidance. This is for a Lyriq I pre-ordered which has finally arrived. I haven’t committed to anything beyond the original $100 reservation fee.

2024 Cadillac Lyriq AWD Luxury 2
MSRP: $71,115
Price: $71,115 (+$895 for optional “theft engraving” which I’ll be asking them to remove)
Due: $5,000
36 months, 10K miles per year
Residual: 70% or $49,781
MF: .00293 (7%)
Payment: $919.62 (+tax)

I ran the above through Rate Findr and it looks like they’re quoting GM’s April subvented lease for my area which eats the $7500 EV credit and gives 70% RV on a 3-year. The one thing that’s different is the MF - per Rate Findr it should be ~6% not 7%.

Can I assume the MF difference is the dealer trying to get a little extra off the top? I plan to ask for it to be reduced to at least 6%, or to drop the price to offset the increased rent charge.

I also tried a bit of local pricing research but I can only find minor discounting on RWD models.

Where else should I push on this? Or is MSRP w/the GM lease terms about the best I can expect to do right now?

You and @Chase_Rose should exchange notes…


Disgusted Emma Stone GIF


Yeah saw that and trying to figure out how he got to the numbers offered. Lux 1 has higher RV than Lux 2 so that helps somewhat, but looks like he still has to have some substantial MSRP discounting going on to get that rate + the payoff on his other vehicle. Maybe NJ market is different.

NJ has no sales tax vs high WA taxes (higher in Seattle with the RTA stuff). If you must get a GM EV would you consider a Blazer? Probably has half the monthly payment, local dealer already has like 50 of these on the lot. Find %VEHICLE_SEARCH_PAGE_KEYWORDS_CAP_FIRST_LETTER% Vehicles for Sale in Tacoma, Renton, Sumner, or Puyallup at %DEALER_NAME%

Yikes. That’s a more than $1k effective monthly. This is coming from someone that knows very little about the market for Lyriqs.

You can push for a dealer discount, but since these are new you might have a hard time.

There are so many better deals out there for BEVs.

Get your $100 back or forfeit it. Either way move on.

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Thanks for the feedback. There are really two paths I’m exploring here:

  1. I specifically want that model Lyriq and I’m willing to pay a premium but not over market.
  2. I want the best possible lease deal on a higher-end BEV SUV and am flexible on model and options.

I realize this forum generally orients toward approach #2 and I’ve already been exploring iX as a possible alternative. Blazer is also a good suggestion, not quite as nice as Lyriq but thousands of dollars in relative savings would surely make up for that.

I’ll entertain a conversation with Cadillac dealer tomorrow and see where it goes. If they can come significantly closer to something like the NJ deal (plus WA tax of course :person_shrugging:) I’ll probably sign. Otherwise I’ll shift to strategy #2 and take my time - luckily I’m not in a hurry.

I called over 25 Cadillac dealers throughout New Jersey. First couple places offered 24 months 10k miles in the 900s and I kept working it down. I was at 659 yesterday and today I’m at 640 with one dealer going lower tomorrow and then I’ll lock it up

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can you guys post calculator attempts - would help to understand where the difference might be coming from.

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There is nothing wrong wanting a particular car of course but how will you feel if you see it advertised significantly less in a couple of months ?

Yall not gonna believe this but I got the LYRIQ lux 1 down to:

24 months
ONLY first payment down
12k miles
$558 a month!!!

I kept going back and forth with 2 dealers.
I’ll send pics when closed


I think you can do a lot better than MSRP. Start calling around / emailing around to everyone in the area with lots of Lyriqs in the trim level you want and see where they land.

This is a volume car so GM is not looking to restrict supply of these. I took delivery of my ordered Luxury 2 in January and still got some amount of a discount in the form of an inflated trade-in allowance on my trade-in (basically the dealer paid me full retail for it- about $3,500 above MMR). And the market has changed again since January.

The ‘popular’ colors (white, black, silver, blue) appear much easier to find and I would expect incremental discounting on those versus some of the less common colors (red, green, celestial, etc.)

$1000 a month for a GM. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Lease a BMW iX for that money.

None of the LHers who preordered in 2022 took delivery.

Is the $5000 private offer dead?

You just kept having 2 dealers revise their offers to you downwards, playing against each other? Is this the looney tunes school of negotiations?

If true, incredible achievement.

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Thanks everyone for the input, and congrats Chase_Rose on your excellent deal!

Unfortunately the 5k private offer was only for 2023 preorders - those were closed when I made my reservation so I was on a list for 2024.

That said, I told the dealer I wasn’t sold and would be continuing shopping (other dealers as well as other vehicles like the iX) and magically they found a $2k “Select Market CCR” rebate that applied, dropped $1k off the MSRP, fixed the MF and got rid of the theft engraving add-on. So we’re doing a lot better, but overall point noted that a Lyriq Lux 2 probably isn’t going to net out to a screaming good lease deal.

Not without GM passing $7,500 as rebate vs. RV bump. At least they dropped the MF from almost 9%, but it’s still ~6%

I remember the good old days, about 10 months ago, when the local Cadillac dealer offered me a 2023 RWD for ‘only’ $6000 over MSRP.