NE HACKR MEETUP: Spring 2021 in NJ

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That’s correct. Just look for the most pissed off person in any picture.


Front two are @max_g and @ElectricEliminator :grinning:

Nah, just look for a Russian lol

NJ LH Gang !!!

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Not the easiest of things to get everyone on the same page with place, date and time:)

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Ill get to the next one!

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Yup that was me!

Why not thank myself for attending:) it was 1,5 drive each way while leaving wife home with 3 under 5😀


I’m pretty sure @Lvs23 is Russian too!

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That too. I’m just not that angry:)

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I was hoping to see your parent’s dog in the photo Ashley.

I identified him without thinking. Guess how.

Haha, she’s in Florida. I have some new ones, though, since I was just there 3 times.

Here she is in a rental car (short term lease, right?), when I needed a car 2 weeks ago, driving back and forth for a wedding.

Then, when I got home from picking my mom up from work, she was making faces and a mule who wouldn’t come out of the car!


Process of elimination?

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@Lvs23 Thank you for organizing. Nice to put a finally put faces to all these names. Looking forward to the next one!


@xheesh - Glad you were able to make it!

wait no car pics?

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Parking lot was a circus because of the game.
I didn’t even have time to see @aronchi i8 because stories were so good, didn’t want to go outside😀


Lol and it was arctic out there…

Just started to think of bring this oldy back to the top since our Tri-State is slowly opening up.

How is everyone feeling about seeing others in person and share pandemic survival stories?