Monthly Cars to Hack Thread *JUNE*

This is the nth time I have seen someone suggest such a thread. Always the “let’s do it” suggestion which is just code for “you guys do it”.

When someone puts in the work like @Lvs23 did with his commuter/$250 thread, I will applaud them.
Until then…


It was time consuming and I wasn’t sure it how benefitial it was aside for about a dozen user.
I’m still hoping to pick it up again:)


I think what we really need across the board is a standard for mileage being posted in the lease spreadsheets. That, and somehow to aggregate the data from Edmunds into a RV/MF master list for every month. Why hasn’t anyone been able to do that yet? I’m just tired of seeing deals that are for 7.5k miles per year. I can’t imagine that’s a good baseline figure for the average car owner.

I also would assume regional tags and separation need to be used a bit more diligently on the site. It feels like a lot of regions are underrepresented. It could be useful to post deals that include a shipping estimate if they can be replicated OOS, or simply have a section dedicated to deals that are up for shipping/will work for other states if signed in person or otherwise.

There are plenty of threads for people who have tried. And plenty of discussion about the challenges. It you are shopping your deal, why isn’t it worth 10 mins of your time to post on Edmunds and get the correct answer for this month?

Why can’t you just keep a Post-It note of the +/- % from 7.5/10/12/15?

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For point 1: That is the essence of this whole discussion. 10 minutes for one car maybe, assuming that they respond in a reasonable amount of time. But multiply that by all cars available and then sort the list. Can Edmunds do that very easily?

For point 2: That’s assuming all deals have the same degredation of adjustments across the mileage range. (unless I missed something and that’s actually how RV works.) Same problem though. Multiply the variables and your number isn’t just some simple solution.

Assuming that no one actually ‘owns’ the data. The real way to capture it might be with a chat bot that specifically goes out at the beginning of every month, requests a deal for each car on edmunds, and then replies back with the results. The problem is still massaging the data to be in the right format and to be free of human errors. It’s an outdated system for sure and I’m frankly surprised that Edmunds hasn’t made their human chatrooms obsolete yet with automation.

Yes they pay for the data

That’s the rub. It’s not published anywhere you can look at it, especially not all the data, for all the brands, in every region, every month. This is why the bigger brokers and independents pay for desking tools that also buy the data and make it available to their customers.

I’d say leasehackr starts charging a premium membership then, and include the aggregation in the perks section.


Entire point of the website.

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So, someone like volvo1 posts here that a new XC90 should be targeted at least at 15% off or more and loaner at 20%+ off to be considered a strong deal. How does that help others when it is not real world numbers? Browse Share Deals and brokers’ offers in Marketplace to get idea about ongoing deals.


Idk why everyone is way over complicating this. It’s not that hard to just say hey, look into Volvo, they have a good Costco rebate. That’s it. That doesn’t take anyone’s “hard work” or time.

Why help each other out?.. This site can just be a place for brokers to post their deals and other people to post their horrible deals where then they get ridiculed and they try to defend it.

But never mind. Just lock this post. I thought this site was supposed to help in people getting their own deals. But it’s clear that it’s just people wanting to monetize themselves getting deals.


Keeping things in perspective, how would things be without LH? There are plenty of folks that put a lot a lot of time and effort in…

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There in lies the big issue. This is suppose to be a resource to help people get their deals. Where heads start butting is when people want others to put in all the legwork so to get their deal. I can’t count the number of times someone has asked for an evaluation of a deal and got upset when they were told that they needed to go gather the rest of the data and wonder why we wouldn’t just do it for them.

A thread like what is being suggested here feels the same way to me. It’s moving further away from the “teach a man to fish” baseline that is being a resource for people to learn to get great deals and closet to “give a man a fish.” Well, maybe more of “give a man a fully cooked fish dish, then cut it into bite size pieces and feed it to him”


Probably because it’s not as simple as you make it seem. Just knowing 1 piece of a deal is still not enough info. When that Costco rebate became available and known, there was a thread about it. Do we really need to make another thread to list that info again?


I feel folks are taking this suggestion to personally. It’s an idea that may or may not Be viable long term, however I believe it’s a very nice premise. There is no reason to overcomplicate it, to have a forum that informs others which cars / companies are having aggressive rebates/ residuals for the month ,can only be a positive. It is not meant to be a guarantee for a super high discount off of MSRP, nor is it a guarantee that your individual trim level is included in model incentives., or a guarantee that your region is covered by the aggressive incentives.It would be a baseline information center, that could only help , with little to no downside. I would certainly contribute , and my guess is it would become one of the more popular threads


How is this different than the front page articles on LH that are put up. They capture deals that can be replicated.

All other deals are YMMV deals.

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I’d think the biggest problem with this thread is folks (like me) will get so hung up on missed opportunities from past months, and will wind up running in circles chasing their tails to replicate them.

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That is not necessarily true. If you want to find some good deals without having to do research, look at some of the broker offerings. There have been some amazing deals being offered to LH members in exchange for (at most) a small broker fee.

A “unicorn” is given that title because it is simply that. A one-off deal that is highly unlikely to be replicated. I wouldn’t let a read-through of the Trophy Garage posts lead you to believe that these kinds of deals are the norm, but rather a dedicated place of showing the benefits on putting work into finding a good deal.

Unfortunately over time this forum has been less about helping each other and teaching how to get a good deal into brokers advertising their deals like you mentioned.

This forum used to be a great resource to learn but over time the replies are just “use the search bar, get a broker, etc… etc…”

For someone new to the site that can be confusing and overwhelming. New users just get ridiculed and told to use a broker.

Nobody wants to help anymore or “teach”, but rather monetize their ability to get a good deal.

I’ve never personally used a broker nor have needed to. I’ve been in this forum for a long time now, and over time learned what I needed to but this forum is definitely shifting into a more broker oriented group.


Someone finally said it.