Mercedes Benz EQS Lease Superthread - 1

Which is why I was like, wow, bare minimum in terms of some negotiation was absurd. Even tried justifying his discounts through email.

Got it, so I’m misunderstanding. Let me try again then in calculator. So I know what I’m doing wrong in terms of this.

To start with, you need to add tax and gov fees into your calculator.

If you want to do this as an exercise in better understanding the calculator, great. You’re not going to get this dealer to close the gap to where you want to be though.

I would just try to sell the current one separately and get one from one of the brokers if the negotiation fails. The way they structured your deal makes me think they are not willing to play ball.

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Yah, I just want to at least understand calculator. This will at least provide me a baseline because I thought what I had was somewhat correct. Didn’t think it was thousands off. I was basing my deal off of this on in signed! .

You’re still missing taxes and fees.

Here is the same calculator you just posted, with the taxes and fees added, and the DAS adjusted to match your $5k in equity:

Still a long way to go to get to $400/mo

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Something that a lot of folks are missing is that these cars, or at least the perception of an $500 EQS, are in same price range as Japanese family sedans.
You’re not only competing against folks who want a EQS or Merc. Tons of people who are looking for an Accord or Camry are asking themselves why they would pay same price for an econo mid sized sedan, when they can have the big body Benz.
The hype will die down but I think the demand is stronger than some of us think


at least understand

You need to take a step back and figure out what you are doing. What is the target price you want to hit before incentives? What are the incentives you qualify for? What’s the MF being offered by the dealer? What’s the actual RV for the terms you are targeting? What are the standard fees, tax etc?

You have to figure all of this out before ever approaching the dealer. If all of this sounds like a waste of time, use a broker/dealer here.

Ohh well I didn’t realize that. That was posted in signed! Tab and thought it was filled out correctly.

I thought I had it all figured out till I realized I based a deal without even having correct foundation. I was looking at incomplete calculations from signed tab this whole time.

Ultimately, this is why many of us preach to people the value of working out a target deal from scratch.

EQE is 7500 EV credit, 1k bonus cash, 1750 affinity. I’ve tried and much less discounting from dealers. One guy sent me a 914 per month quote on a EQS and a 999 quote in fhe EQE in the same email.

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Okay so essentially this is deal I was provided? This looks correct.

tax rate seems low, but maybe I’m just used to my county.

With the lower tax rate, to get to $400/mo, they need to drop the sales price another $15k

Which would have to be roughly ~23% pre-incentive. And I live in Fl

So do I. 7.75% here in Brevard

I’m in Orange, which is 6.5…

So this would be deal if I were to get discount of 20% and they gave me 5k for my car?


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Oh your poor inbox lol