Mercedes Benz EQS Lease Superthread - 1

I was told by a sales manager and a former GM, it’s 150 points.

@spockvr6 was told 40 points

Maybe @derekoh1991 can chime in

Honestly the MF is so freaking high, if you’re being marked up….probably time to walk away unless they’re making up for it on discount

I believe this is BMW only, Mercedes allows higher MF jack up

I concur, MF markup can shoot you payment upwards of $200 extra. Best to stick with base.

If dealer is adamant about adding markup then negotiate on payment and let them figure it out.

broadly speaking, 0.002 MF equals 1% of MSRP. That is, if the dealer is marking up the MF by 0.002, then ask for an1% discount to compensate


That is correct

Just want to clarify. EQE also has a $1000 dealer cash but obviously $1750 Affinity/Sams Club trumps that.

Please do - thanks in advance!

They are currently suspended…

I believe this was under a specific circumstance, I do not think this is the broad point. I believe the ultimate mark up possibility is much much higher, unfortunately, lol

And to add on to this concept, given the choice, I would always take an MF bump in exchange for the commensurate discount. Its better for buyouts.

Of course, for the cars we are talking about in this thread, that is not likely a concern.:blush:

You must be missing a 0 in there. A .002 MF increase is much more costly than 1% of the MSRP on a EQS deal.

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Sorry, you are correct. Its 0.0002

Is this deal still possible in April? I found a loaner nearby but the dealer didn’t seem to want to work with me.

What deal are you referring to?

What was the deal they were offering?

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By possible if you mean the MF,RV and Incentives? Yes.

600 off MSRP for a loaner w/ 2200 miles EQS SUV… I could stack incentives from that price.

Are you sure that’s not a typo? $600 off?

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$600 off

Sounds like they are telling you to buzz off.


hahaha dead serious, I had him double check. I thought it was some kind of joke

I am not sure where you are located, but if you want to get into an EQS you might be better off working with a broker from the Marketplace.