👔 May Hyundai Specials - LUXCONCIERGE

Updated 5/3/2023

Must Pick-Up in SoCal! CA Residents only.

2024 Elantra SEL

Monthly Payment: $195 + tax
Drive-off Amount: $3000
Term: 36/10K

2024 Sonata SEL

Monthly Payment: $299 + tax
Drive-off Amount: $3000
Term: 36/10K

2024 Ioniq5 SE RWD

Monthly Payment: $239 + tax
Drive-off Amount: $3000
Term: 24/12K

2024 Ioniq5 SEL RWD

Monthly Payment: $255 + tax
Drive-off Amount: $3000
Term: 24/12K

:calling: Hadi (714) 797-6539

:calling: Kuper (424) 436-7822

:envelope_with_arrow: info@theluxconcierge.com

:desktop_computer: LuxConcierge

:globe_with_meridians: Facebook - Instagram - Yelp - Leasehackr

:star: For Other Inquires, please submit HERE . :star:

:oncoming_automobile: Other Makes :oncoming_automobile:
Acura - Alfa Romeo - Audi - BMW - Cadillac - Lexus - Maserati - Mazda - Mercedes - Nissan - Subaru - VW

pm’d you I have some questions on the breakdown

3/17/24 Update: Various other models added.

:calling: Hadi (714) 797-6539

:calling: Kuper (424) 436-7822

:envelope_with_arrow: info@theluxconcierge.com

:desktop_computer: LuxConcierge

:globe_with_meridians: Facebook - Instagram - Yelp - Leasehackr

:star: For Other Inquires, please submit HERE . :star:

:oncoming_automobile: Other Makes :oncoming_automobile:
Acura - Alfa Romeo - Audi - BMW - Lexus - Maserati - Mazda - Mercedes - Subaru - VW

What are you seeing with the Palisade? Thanks

Updated Specials for the month of May!!

:calling: Hadi (714) 797-6539

:calling: Kuper (424) 436-7822

:envelope_with_arrow: info@theluxconcierge.com

:desktop_computer: LuxConcierge

:globe_with_meridians: Facebook - Instagram - Yelp - Leasehackr

:star: For Other Inquires, please submit HERE . :star:

:oncoming_automobile: Other Makes :oncoming_automobile:
Acura - Alfa Romeo - Audi - BMW - Lexus - Maserati - Mazda - Mercedes - Subaru - VW

Closed per OP’s request.