M550 vs M5 lease debate

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Exactly, I literally got pulled over today for going 5 over the limit on a Saturday when not a soul is on the road. Kind of a bad omen before picking the m550 up on Monday but hey it happens, just goes to show power and speed don’t pay

You want to drive fast and cops not noticing you get a minivan, you can speed past a cop and they’ll think you just late to a soccer practice. Get a few soccer ball stickers on the back, my child is the lead d bag at snot nose elementary and you can go warp speed

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Lmao I’m too young for kids, 22 with a 8 year old kid lol math don’t add up

Wouldn’t be the first time that happened

Well it’s sad that your right lol

I got the M550 today and wow, it’s an absolute dream. I thought the ride was going to be rough like people said but it’s literally butter smooth.


congrats post pics! I think people meant m5 will have rough ride, everyone was complementing the m550 suspension being smooth

Once the sun is up I’ll take pics, the light makes the bernina gray turn a golden brown color. I meant to say the ride wasn’t as rough as a full on M model, it’s super supple and the car absorbs everything on the road, M8 also has great ride quality but def stiffer, the m performance was the best choice by far


Congrats! Your going to love it.

It’s fun to have a “what car should I get” thread with an actual ending.


I had been contemplating both cars for almost a year, basically since corona started I had been eyeing them, but the virus got worse and the car deals got worse and worse every month, gave up hope for this year as everyone said deals were going to get worse before they got better, and then @nyclife hooked it up on the m550 so I had to jump on it, waiting for m5 would have been cool but living daily with M cars just isn’t the way to go, unless you only own an m3-m5 type deal

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We gotta get you back in an alpina lol




That’s a nice looking car. it maybe the picture, but it looks like this color slightly changes depending on what light hits.

Are you planning to tint it?

Ya the bernina gray amber affect is nuts, looks golden brown in the sun

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No tint lol fishbowl for me

Oh is that what that giant water hose is for? :slight_smile: They do sell reels for those :slight_smile:

Lol I’ve had and broken 3 of them, rather just let it go

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