List of places to sell or value your car online

Just one experience FYI. Felt buyer was responsive and tried to setup things even though I was out of their service area but was out once I mentioned it was a lease.

They said the same initially, but after I told them it would be CCAP and that they do third party buy-outs at the same agreed rate, they said ok.

Rodo ghosted me after initial offer…

Which means, no dealer wanted it at Rodo’s offer

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That’s cool. If you do proceed with them let me know. Their offer was easily the highest among the ones listed here.

They (Texas auto value) were super quick and easy to deal with. Done and cashiers check in hand within 2 hours. Met at local bank. Paid several k above next best offer.

Needed light education on lease buyout before meeting but once meeting was set up all went as expected.

Thanks for posting back! Were you close by/local to their offices?

No. Met up 5 days after offer with their rep near car location.

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Not sure if this is the best place the post this. Mods can move it.

Ocean Cadillac email saying they will beat any Carmax offer by $1,000 for a limited time for the South Florida LHers.

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Anyone tried out Roadra yet? They supposedly link your vehicle to dealerships across the US. I’ll probably see how it goes with them selling my van

Ocean Cadillac is a beautiful dealership. However, unless something has changed, you’ll sit down with a sales or GM, get talked to death, and receive a lowball offer.

I sat down with one of the directors and the dude was sweet talking me into handing over a 4Xe a few G’s over payoff (and this was on a one-pay unit.)

I was like yea right, and bounced. Phone calls continued for days.

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I did, offer was awful. Seemed more geared towards junk cars

I got three pretty decent offers from Carmax, Shift, and Vroom, all within a few hundred of each other.

Is there a clear winner in who best to sell to for an easy, quick transaction / no surprises? I was thinking Carmax by default?

If it matters, I’m in SoCal and it’s for a 2018 Audi A6.

Vroom and Carmax were both pretty easy for me. Carmax was a little more time invested because I waited there while they did the work getting payoff done and I had to drive to the location.

I sold a few vehicles to Carmax and had great experiences with them unlike some of the online buyers.

If you are close to a Carmax and the offer is competitive I would go with them.

They have been buying and selling used vehicles for a long time and know what they are doing.

Just schedule your appointment in advance and you should not have to wait long when you get there.

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Thanks, that’s helpful. Sounds like Carmax is the best bet.

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Also had a good Carmax experience. As @Jake7 mentioned, make an appointment to accelerate the process. If the vehicle has a loan on it make sure you go when Carmax will be able to get the lender / bank on the phone.


Go to a brick and mortar biz like carmax if you want to turn the car over to them and take off your insurance same day.

Anyone operating online is going to have to schedule you for a driver/truck to pick up your car.

Thx all for the great advice. I sold to Carmax at LAX and had a great experience. Would highly recommend them. Review here.


I’ll throw in a quick review for Carstub. Used them to unload my Tesla and it was super easy. They showed up same day to my house and I had an offer within 15 minutes that was almost a grand higher than the next highest (CarMax). Signing paperwork was easy and a week later, everything was paid off for the remaining loan.

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