Lincoln nautilus lease need help negotiating

especially now that car manufacturing is at a stand still

I don’t - I currently have an Infiniti and we are really not happy with it at all.

im on my third mkz love the car

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I have always loved Lincoln, but I think their resurgence is spot on. They have become cool again (in my opinion).

100 percent agree especially the new interior the Nautilus still has the old one if im not mistaken. the tech is also amazing, they have a app that allows you to pretty much control the car from anywhere. i live in a city so the auto park is amazing

like valek said whats the selling price before incentives and whats the incentives you qualify for

Yes it does have the old interior which I don’t mind at all. But I will say the Aviator is one of my top 3 favorite cars on the road right now. In my research I have just found that Lincolns don’t lease very well, which is sad.

i got a great deal im my opinion my mkz

Did you lease all of your MKZ’s?

the first 2 i got from swap and then i found this site and i learned how to negotiate the 3rd i just signed a new lease in December

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