Leasehackr Meme Lounge (Part 1)

It’s not just you. Had a guy recently that wanted an x5 fairly well equipped. No loyalty, no MSDs, nothing but first payment due. With tax, wanted to be max 450 out the door. When I told him it would take 32% off to get there, I got heckled that since I’m a broker, I should be able to get that. Um…ok?


Thank anime. Family guy covered the phenomena at some point nicely:



She can hire a divorce lawyer with the savings alone!

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Recently, I’ve found that for people who message me who aren’t asking about a posted special, I really have to ask them after they’ve picked a vehicle about where they’re trying to be monthly. I hate to do, because it sounds like a dealer nonsense thing to ask, but some people are just so far out of reality that its necessary. I always tell people the goal is to get it as cheap as possible but I need to make sure we’re in the right area. I had one person want to pay $350/mo on a 60k truck and he told me that I was “killing my (his) dreams” when I told him that was far from realistic, then he asked me what BMW’s he could get for that price…

You can also kind of tell when its necessary to ask based on how the conversation is going.


He actually offered his payment goal right up front, so I knew that was an easy convo…No, thanks for playing.

Agree with everything else you’ve laid out though, and I operate very similarly in regard to figuring out their goals and expectations. Like you, I don’t like to do the “where are you looking to be” spiel, as it does sound very "salesman-ish, " but learned quickly that you kind of have to on this site, or you’re spinning your wheels only to get ghosted in the end when they expected a 200/mo Mercedes and you came back with 450/mo.

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Rate my incomplete deal NOW!

trina braxton goodbye GIF by Braxton Family Values



Dude, I already admitted that it is an honest mistake as I’m new to the community and I also posted that I’d correct my post. Do you want to be a child and create a mem out of this? Go Ahead! We all know what happened to GME LOL.

Everyone deserves a chance and if you can’t give that then I don’t think this is a healthy site.

I have, go look at the post now

There are memes on here poking at the best of us. I know there are several directed at me.

Now, for your thread, if you’re looking for help, you’re still missing a ton of information. Follow the advice given in that thread and you’ll have a useful answer.




The thread really could use a renaming, more
Like leasehackr meme lounge than car industry memes


There is no need to get personal here. You know how inappropriate this is and you still did it. SO you’re like a man who is a child at the brain. Great!



If you don’t want to get memed, here’s a LH article showing how to avoid being ridiculed for the things mentioned in this meme thread.

LeaseHacking 101

Also where’s @RustyDaemon when you need him. Jokes aside this thread and forum is in good fun. If you genuinely do need help, there’s a 101 in the top right corner.



People who car shop as a hobby (weird) making fun of and meme-ing people who don’t know how to shop for a car or care to take advice makes my day, is hilarious, and causes me to write run-on sentences.


I’m here. It’s only good fun though when both sides are laughing, which isn’t the case here. Therefore I’m remaining mum on this particular topic.


Well like I said, My only problem is he posted my user name on an image without my permission and that is violating my right.

More than fair!
