Leased 2020 BMW X6 M50i for $922 and first month only. FL DEAL!


@johns525 that’s actually an awesome story. Truth to be said, I’m nowhere near as good as your friend with negotiations. I simply ‘felt’ the numbers and what I should aim for from reading what the pros don on this forum, which means I will never be as good as some of the pros here :slight_smile:

I’ll PM you the details of the dealer.

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90k X6? 75k sales price? Great deal!


Thanks @vhooloo, your endorsement mutes a thousand nay saying voices :slight_smile:

How many months did it take you to leverage my quote against other dealers?

Just to skate my fee lol.


I’ve reached out to two other brokers here a few months ago that supplied me with quotes very similar to yours, as you can imagine, given how new the truck is with very similar deals across the board. These deals, as well as mine, whilst good, they certainly weren’t extraordinary, which is why I held off on doing anything for a few months. Then as my lease turn in got closer, I reached to three of my local dealers to see if they can match the payment/down I got quoted from the brokers here and one of them did.

I, like many others, come here to learn from the collective wisdom of the pros here, like yourself, and attempt to put my own deal together. And, if occasionally I come across an incredible deal, then I jump on it without hesitation, or regards for a measly $500 broker fee. Just ask the gentleman on this board that got me my just turned in 550GT where I didn’t hesitate to pay him his $400. Or prior to that the guy that posted here a couple years ago the $1000 a month deal he found for a S550 coupe. In fact, that guy wasn’t a broker or expecting any payment, yet I still sent him $400 once the lease was signed.

My friend, with two Lambos, a Ferrari, and an assortment of BMW and Mercedes in my garage, a broker fee is certainly not something I would lose sleep over. However, I feel a fee is earned once a deal is signed, not simply for supplying a quote.

You are a man I very much respect on this site, and I feel one day I may want to take you up on a deal you post here, so if you don’t agree with the above, please PM me, and I’ll gladly pay your fee :slight_smile:


I gave you the same exact car (same color combo riverside blue, my msrp was slightly higher), and same exact payment (EXACT, $922 with $922 upfront). I can provide proof.

If there was something different, I would just chalk it up to coincidence.

However, you don’t get the same payment/color/model exactly as a coincidence.

I will let other @brokers chime in to see if I am blowing this out of proportion

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String him up by his feet an stone him…

Can we see the garage?



The 98 Roadster is getting ‘refreshed’


By the way, if anyone has a line on a rear wing for a Diablo Roadster, I’d love to year from you.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program “Lynch the UnHackr”

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My friend, you certainly ‘inspired’ my deal. In fact, your deal was better considering your car was $2000 more expensive, so not quite the same ‘exact’ car.

Regardless, I stand by my offer to pay you if you feel that’s what’s fair. SERIOUSLY.


How many miles on the Diablo?

The 94 VT has a thundering 56k and the 98 Roadster a pedestrian 12k. You would not believe which one runs better :slight_smile:

Cars, like most moving machines don’t like to sit still.

If I post a deal publicly and someone goes and gets a deal like it based off my numbers, that doesn’t entitle me to a fee. Numbers aren’t intellectual property.

But if I pulled hard numbers for you and you declined, took them and made your own deal I don’t feel an advisory fee is out of line: you could always pay it forward and support LH.


It’s only going to get worse as the economy deteriorates. I’m really considering a retainer as I’ve been getting hammered lately with people picking my brain for hours days weeks only to take me deal to another dealer and settle for within $20 of the payment I gave them…

I post my numbers publicly yet people still will string me along for weeks only to do that. I guess it’s just a loss we need to chalk up. But eventually it’s going to effect everyone


What are hard numbers? Are they different from flaccid numbers?


Hard numbers like I actually get a quote on a car for you based on a target and model/specs you gave me and we selected a specific car.

Soft numbers are more fuzzy and a general idea of where I can be without much of a struggle. Since most LH leads are looking for a loser deal it involves effort on my part to convince an SM/Director on why they should accept my proposal.

Wow what great post. I dont know who you are, but thank you for the info on that FL dealer that you sent me .
I will call him tmrw, not sure if he will do same deal and ship it to NY but I will try.
I also saw they have 2020 x5m comp in stock that got me excited.
You know when I started 2 month ago price searching some ppl here were very proffesional and nice( no one could match the price ) 13% off built x5m50. Some rude ass…s( will not mention names) almost cursed me out , even though I provided a proof. I feel like its my money and I price shopping and there ia nothing wrong with it. If you can beat great no set a side.
I will get it hopefully in next upcoming few weeks and I will get the price I want amd I will post it here for non beleivers amd for those who said it is not possible.
People like you proved it that everything is possible.
Enjoy your baby.

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Thank you for what you said.

If I can help one person get what they want whilst dealing with these big corporate dealerships, then this post has served it’s purpose.