We offer orders at the discounts provided below. Your MSRP and discount % is locked. As of 10/1/2021 program variables such as residual, incentives and money factor are not eligible for sold order protection. Thus your final lease payment will be based on the residual value and base money factor at time of delivery.
*Sold Order Protection is available on some RAM and Compass Trims.
Delivery 8-15 weeks later likely. Cancelling as a result of delays will result in a 50% refund of the broker fee.
Non SRT Models: 8.5% & 9.5% with Affiliate Program
SRT Models: 7.5% & 8.5% with Affiliate Program
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We offer a 100% Refundable Dealer Deposit ($500) Jeep is an extremely complex brand & we are an experienced Jeep broker. Transparency & Responsiveness - Review Page $899 Dealer Doc Fee $499 Broker Fee
Our broker fee is 50% refundable in the event you cancel. Which we credit you towards any future deal.
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Refund Policy: (100%) In full if pricing is not honored by the dealer. (Discount, Buy Rate Money Factor) or no Order Allocation within 45 calendar days. (50%) Backing out under any and all circumstances including delivery and manufacturer delays, quote deviations as a result of actual govt. fees/taxes, credit rating impacting the quoted payment, denied credit, or not qualifying for incentives within your inquiry submission.
Disclosures: Quotes assume Tier 1 Credit, payments will likely increase if credit is not approved at Tier 1. Your quoted payment may slightly vary due to actual tax and registration costs.
Do you sell to MA with the East dealer pricing? And noticing it’s order only for GC “Pending 2023” can you explain that? Are GC books closed for 2022 models (had heard this was the case for 4xe). Thanks!
Listen. I respect the Hellcat. But the fuel guzzling, the speeding tickets, the insurance are all significant expenses and headaches I ain’t tryna to deal with at this stage in my life.
Plus, the math on your numbers is sus. 725 for the ScatPack, and 1100 for the Hellcat (both widebody)… I def don’t see how adding up an additional 50% of the ScatPack’s cost is worth it at all.
i doubt insurance cost vary that much. If youre gonna speed in a hellcat, youll do it all the same in a scat pack not sure how thats different. Gas guzzling is a 3mpg difference and if thats a big worry probably get the v6. im just pointing out where the value is. other than a wb hellcat charger, the next best deal is a challenger non wb, which gets no traction on those tiny tires
wb chall sp 725
wb charger sp 790
wb charger hc 751 so a few bucks more for a car that you’ll have equity in as soon as you get it and costs 20-25k more.
@anon65069371 lol yeah i’m talking challengers guys sorry for not specifying. you’re right, charger is a better value play and makes sense for the hellcat.
i will say the difference between the sp and the hellcat is SIGNIFICANT in terms of pedal usage lol. that supercharger is something else. i’d rather stay a little more modest at this point- my state makes speeding zero fun