Lease under $125 a month 0 Down?

Who cares- the car belongs to the bank, not me. It’s not an investment. It’s a rental car. Why not save another 5% + on MSRP. If it looks new, is the current model year, I don’t care if a raccoon gave birth in it, as long as I can’t tell, or preferably, don’t know. After 36 months it’s going back to where I got it and it’ll end up at some dirt lot auction and won’t cross my mind again.

And If you don’t like farts, steer clear of cloth. :joy:


What kind of car is it? I’m interested…

How about for 200 all in is a full size possible?

Let’s see how Compass residuals shape up next month. I came close to $125 last month on a Compass, but Chrysler Capital has since lowered the residuals.

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Full size sedan? Back in March, I got a Kia Optima S for $159/mo with $788 DAS including NJ taxes, fees reg. 12k miles/yr, 24 months.

Ok [20202020202020]

Shame those deals are not around anymore.

I know…I was being sarcastic.

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A totally unrealistic version of what loaner cars do. When I drop off my RC for service, I don’t take the NX300 loaner to a goddamn racetrack. I drive it to the office once and then back to the dealer.

You’re the worst at discussing anything, dude. You came shitting on this thread for no reason.

Go pound sand, :clown_face:


I agree completely. I get a loaner car when the RC F is in for maintenance, and I baby the thing. Taking care of other people’s property is the adult thing to do.


Do you guys see what roman does to the rental and loaner in the fast lane car reviews? Pray that it isnt you loaner. Lol

Running them from 0-60 ten times? Oooooh I pray nobody does that to my car.

That’s the least of the stuff I put my car through.

I dont think you have any idea what im talking about.

Forgive my ignorance. I don’t have backstage passes to TFL I guess

You know that the service techs are doing donuts in the parking lot with your RC F.

Lol. That would definitely be something to see. It’s going back to Lexus in about 45 days, so I hope they noted that on the service records :slight_smile:

Why would you do the service if its going back to lexus in 45 days?

You hope. But you never know. There is a reason why loaners are dirt cheap in comparison to new cars.

The legend is back…


I’m just talking about the last time it was in for service.