Lease Transfer 2019 BMW 750i $366+tax, $8k DAS, 24/10, 23 months left! Florida

I’d be hard pressed to take it at 5K as a sunk cost simply due to the risk of losing that money in the event of a total, theft or lemon.

Why hasn’t this car made it to SAL yet? It could be gone by now if it had been.

Total agreement but What about those who do 3k to 5k on MSDs @Electric same thing, no?

You get security deposit back in the case of the car being totaled, don’t you? That money is guaranteed at termination of lease terms


Not the same thing. MSD’s are refundable in those other events.


While true, FS has to have the title work completed, so while there is no official delay, someone looking to get out immediately may run into a temporary roadblock. It’s been reported it can take up to 2 months for everything to be finalized on FS side when opening the contract.

I will take it with no down payment. I live in Florida so I can pick it up.

You want a $106k MSRP 19 750i for $0 DAS, $366/mo?! :roll_eyes:


Im sure you would pick it up even if it was in California for no down payment at that monthly…


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I’m not sure I follow…

Honestly, even when I’m having a less than OK day at work, I can come to this forum and get a hearty laugh thanks to far out comments. To @valf and other commentators a very BIG THANK YOU for brightening my day with senseless as well as well thought out comments. That’s why I love this place, as well as the deals and wisdom I get here, of course.


@mani_is_kool I gotta say, you are my favorite broker here, by far. Thank you for being such a cool and wise member of this fraternity.


:blush: I try ! Thank you but non-brokers, I believe @vhooloo does the best job :smile:

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Looks like all the good comments were moved. :upside_down_face:

@vhooloo is an absolute, unbridled riot. He comes up with stuff that stand-up comics can only dream of emulating. Whilst being factually informative :wink:


So I guess my offer with no down payment is not acceptable :slight_smile:
That’s the reason I didn’t do MSDs on my lease; in case I get bored and need to transfer it; nobody likes down payments.
I think your friend’s best bet is

MSD is not a down payment.


True, but still hard to do a lease transfer with it…

Headed to SAL so please close thread.