Lease for a 16 Year old New Driver

Hi, looking for a lease for my 16 year old daughter. I would like to keep payment around $200. I lease my BMW but I have loyalty if it exists with FORD and VW. I think the civic is a good reliable car but I have no loyalty just penfed. I looked over the forum on “share a deal” and it is a bit overwhelming on some of these newer models that I am not familiar with. I am in Arizona and not many brokers local :slight_smile:

Talk to Cody carter about a Corolla. Besides that maybe electric.

$300 is the new $200 though…


Take a look at the Trax. Maybe able to snag one of those in the 200ish range.

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For new driver thats what you need

For Sale Vintage GIF by Mecanicus


Don’t get a lease for a 16 year old. Get your daughter an 8-10 year old car for cash. Something that when it gets a big dent nobody will get too irritated

Maybe a 8 year old Malibu or an Accord


Paging @derekoh1991 @Cody_Carter


Corolla and CHR sub $200 :rocket::rocket:

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There is always the buy a used car argument and it is valid, but there’s something to putting your kid and inevitably their friends into the newer safety and driver assistance model year with things like rear side air bags (depending on car), collision warning and avoidance etc. a lease is a completely valid option.


New car prices to the mooooooon. Unlike my crypto portfolio.



Like your S60 Demo? Or the V60?


You mean a Grand Marquis…


I wouldn’t use what brands you get loyalty with to determine your path. A poor lease with loyalty won’t be better than a good lease without.

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100% don’t recommend it. I’d go back and undo it if I could honestly. A Toyota would’ve been a much better idea, not an entry level luxury.



Close, I drove a French Silk Lincoln town car for a few years in college. Sold it to a guy who said it was his “Sunday” car. It was a smooth ride.

My Nieices did the used car thing. Terrible. 200 corolla was way better then worrying about repairs etc.

If they trash it, then take a loan out and buy it for 200/‘mo over 5 years at lease end


My first car at 16 (in 1995) was a used 1989 Caprice Classic that had over 100k miles. Former NYC taxi/livery cab that was painted black.

Get them a 10yr car and they’ll learn to appreciate cars later in life. My kids will not drive new cars until they can partially pay for it themselves.


My recommendation? Just do it.


When I was your age (I have waited longer than your lifetime for this): I bought a 12 year old Civic and drove it nearly 3 years. Character isn’t an over-the-air update.


I had a caprice classic that was a retired detective car. Was blue with black rims with a side spot light.

It most certainly is not. The wagon has given me a big headache these last few weeks…

Technically my first car was the Nissan Altima I took over the loan for, then sold for a stupid amount and gave him the profit minus what I paid. I think it’s not the wisest to give kids a new car unless they pay for it.

Do this, talk to Cody.