Lease Deal Help Needed! 2017 Acura RDX AWD Base

Hi Everyone, can you please tell me if this offer is good deal? I have been playing with the lease calculator and have reviewed all of the terms, but the leasing process is still confusing to me.

The offer is for a 2017 Acura RDX BASE AWD
36 months/12k miles
MSRP: $38,145
Sales Price: $35, 493
Fees: $568 (Doc fee $399, Inspection/RegTitle $170)
Sales Tax $2,243 (it’s called a Finance tax at 6.2500%)
Net sales price: $38305.25

I qualify for the $750 conquest cash.

So the total monthly payment would be $419.94 with $500 due at signing/$398.00 with $1250 due at signing/ or $368.74 with $2250 due at signing.

Is this a good deal? If it is not, can you give me any tips to get me to a good deal? Any help would be very much appreciated!

Thank you :slight_smile:

@ebanook, Looking at Edmunds, there is also $1250 lease cash available in addition to the $750 Conquest. You need to find out the current Residual % and Money Factor. Ask here: Make sure the dealer is not using the rebates ($2000) as part of your discount from MSRP. The $2000 should be applied AFTER you negotiate the lowest possible sales price. Good luck.

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What state are you in? I think they are trying to rip you off by adding in sales tax, as you should only be paying sales tax on the monthly payment, not sales price of the vehicle.

I am in Massachusetts, so I believe I should be paying sales tax monthly?

Please verify by visiting an official site for the RMV and/or MA state dept of finance ending in .gov

So in MA, sales tax is collected on the payment monthly and then I will also receive an excise tax on a yearly basis. I have attached the quote they gave me, the ** explain the tax as “Finance tax 6.25%” which is the MA sale tax rate.

Does this mean they are driving to charge me twice? If I can give you any more information please let me know.

Thank you!

Yes, I think they are trying to charge you twice. Not sure if they can legally call it a tax though and then keep that money for themselves. What does the double asterisks state further in the email?

The double asterisks says “**Finance Tax 6.25%” which is the MA sales tax rate.

Hmm. Are you sure that isn’t the purchase/finance section? I’ve seen some dealers send quotes for purchase and leasing options on the same sheet.

Attached is a picture of the quote I took home. I have been using the calculator along with MFs and Residual %s from the link posted above, and I just cannot figure out the numbers for the life of me. :confounded:

$419/month for 36 months with $500 OOP (out of pocket).

@ebanook, honestly, I think you can do better on the sales price as invoice on the vehicle is approx $36,200, plus they should be giving you $1250 lease cash in addition to a better sales price.

Thanks mlov1022… Where would you suggest I look to for the best sales price? This is the base model awd rex, no bells or whistles. Also, where are you finding the $1250 in lease cash, on the Edmonds forum that looks like it is a dealership incentive, not nationwide? Or am I confused again.

Thanks max_g. What I can’t figured out is whether those numbers are based off the net sales price listed or the sales price listed. If it is based off the net sales price, it would seem to be inflated as it looks like I might be getting taxed twice?

Most likely same sheet shows purchase and lease options. You can probably ignore that side.

But ask for breakdown of net/adjusted cap cost and the drive-off amount before rebates ($1,250).

You should contact my main man

Alfredo Sierra

Main 201-587-9000 x205

Mention hector sent you and he will help you match or beat this deal.

You need to shop it around. Make a post on the Edmunds Forum.

sale price should be ~33

A lot of dealers play that trick. They add the sales tax for “purchase/RETAIL” in the right column to show an inflated sales price, so the left hand column payment looks better :slight_smile: In MA, you do not pay sales tax on the price but on the monthly payment. [This is my 3rd MA lease].

And to answer the original question, this is absolutely awful deal. They are not giving you any discount but using the 750 conquest and 1250 Acura rebate. You should aim for no down and 300 a month.

Phat was right… 33k…I just did this RDX base AWD same msrp for my inlaws. 38,145 MSRP, Sale Price $33,750 -750 conquest cash. They are financing it, so I can’t give you the lease numbers, but the sale price for a lease can definitely be had at 33k. I didn’t even tell them I wanted to lease or buy. Called 10 dealers, and 9 said it was not possible to get it below “invoice” and $34,500 including conquest cash was the lowest. Proved them wrong and got a good deal I think. Plus I had them throw in the rubber mats. Love this forum. Just bought 2 cars in 2 days.

Hope this helps people looking for the RDX!