Just Leased a 2019 BMW M550

Music to my ears. I’m definitely ditching my Range for a M5 once the lease is up

next hack 30% off an m5, what will happen first? me getting blacklisted from all these dealers or 30% off msrp :zipper_mouth_face:. Just kidding no way that happens but +5 on the residual saves $150 or so a month.

I got 17.4% off a couple months ago but that was likely a unicorn (right time right place kind of thing, although I had another at 14% and spent quite a bit of time hunting).

I’d say anything above 15% before incentives, base MF, is a steal on these.

how can i get one

Is that a for real question?


@jat329 I live in LA and am close to Glendale…who did you speak to at the dealership? I might want to hit them up? Thanks

Greg Poland

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