Trying to find a dealer who is willing to move on their GC 4xe Overland
$1500 down and 550/month in CA.
I used these rates in the rate finder. Am i just crazy thinking they will give me a deal?
Where did you come up with $11000 off MSRP as a reasonable target?? That’s going to be a fast way to end a conversation with a dealer
Also you didn’t even plug in tax, registration or doc fee into your calculator. That makes a massive difference in the numbers
@Jeff_BeachCitiesAuto Thanks
I am trying to find a dealer who has had their car for over 400+days and is willing to provide a double digit discount. This is not an offer I have in hand. Trying to get an idea where I should be.
You are over estimating how deep in the red a dealer is willing to go to make a deal, everything has limits
The most I’ve ever discounted one was maybe $5000-$6000 off back when inventory was plentiful
You should realize that a dealer who has been holding inventory that long probably is doing that for a reason, either they are hoping to find the “right” customer for it or as a store they just want to hold front end gross above all else. The car might even be paid for at this point… In for a penny, in for a pound
So at 5-7 % off msrp is where the numbers will hang ? I thought in this economy they would sell it because there aren’t enough people reaching out.
You could reach out and see what they are willing to do on the sales price. Arm yourself with and Affiliate Code if possible and the TDM code from the Jeep website. I was able to get effectively around 12% off a Trailhawk in 2023 with Affiliate but it seemed like it was really closer to 10%, I think they did something about the taxes to make the deal work, never fully understood how they got there. A dealer holding one of these that long might be a believer in the sunk cost fallacy.
Theres a lot of space between 5% off and the 16% off you’re targeting.
You can do a lot better than 5%.
Yeah what @kiriguy should be doing is keeping an eye open when a lot anchor gets dealer swapped.
Then pursue the car at the dealership that takes on the junk inventory since they’ll want to clear things ASAP and their cost basis could be very low.
Going after the original dealer is tough since oftentimes they’d rather swap a car for a loss or sell at auction. These showrooms hate giving a local or an employee a deal since they don’t want bargain hunters streaming in once word gets out that they haggle.
Unfortunately, with Stellantis showrooms all filled with junk, there’s no swapping going on.
You need to rewind for a second
Is an Overland even a hackable vehicle? Unless you find some proof in Signed Deals & Tips the answer is no.
Sometimes you just gotta be the first one to hack it though. Is it doable? Maybe? You’ve got a lot of rebates on it and the programs aren’t terrible on the 2024s. My feeling is that this dealer probably won’t play ball but you never know. Stellantis’ biggest problem is that they have priced themselves so far out of their market MSRP wise that most customers (and even dealers) have no idea what to offer in order to get or make an attractive deal. Take the Wagoneer S for example. What do you do with that? It’s ridiculously expensive for what it is but can be a sub $200 lease all day long if you know how to put it together. The question one has to ask themselves is: Do you know how to put it together?
I saw 12.5% with affiliate in the Marketplace which still works out to almost $700 effective with NJ TTL for 24/12k.
That’s a lot for a 2-row SUV and not even a fully loaded one.
I dunno… At those numbers with the national incentives I get around 500/mo depending on how you structure it. That’s without returning lessee, conquest or the TDM if it can be applied on these.
Not many overlands are 71k left in my area.
Mostly 78 -81s
Ok… so maybe 600 or so without conquest or the TDM
No one is giving a 71k for ~$1500 600/month pre tdm
Those are doable numbers with the right dealer.
its finding them
Thank you all for your help.
I got this offer on a Overland 24
73K msrp
67k sales price
90015 zip
1500 down
572/month inc tax (24 month) 56%Res, .00061 MF
637/mon inc tax (36 month) 45%Res, .0006
Is either one worth it?
1500 down or due at signing?