Is it a good time to get a lease? NO! When will it get better? Nobody knows

I finally got to pick up my plates for my Gladiator Saturday afternoon. There was some foot traffic but they definitely weren’t mobbed or anything like that.

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That’s because in lieu of robust sales, they opened up a massage parlor in the 2nd finance manager’s office once he got laid off.

AutoNation just had their best quarter ever because of record profit per unit. I have a lot of friends there acting like they did something great rather then just take advantage of the situation.


I’m 50 days into not having plates with an open PA dmv … another week and I’m giving them a call.

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Production and supply will eventually catch up, there is no way demand for cars will increase given all economic indicators.


Mine came in awhile ago, but I don’t get up to North Jersey very often and they extended Jersey temp tags into September so I wasn’t in much of a hurry to get them.

I mean credit is cheap and the goverment is dumping money into the economy – The wealthy are the real winners right now – All the goverment programs are directed at the wealthy – They really believe in trickle down economics –

If you have a business right now - you can come out as a real winner – The common worker is getting shafted – they even cancelled the $600 check – I really feel bad about the people on the fringes – The goverment has really failed those people – Think about the all the undocumented workers who do the jobs no one wants too – they are suffering –


Well I will be damned. I haven’t been on the forum in over 6 months and decided to peek today as I am considering getting out of my 2019 XC60 lease and taking a loss (hated the car, too many issues and barely using it at least for another 5/6 months)…me thinking leases would be great considering the lower interest rates and potential lack of car sales due to the Pandemic…This is going to make me rethink this whole thing now (499 / Mo for another 18 months - 55k vehicle)

Yes a little humility goes a long way having lived through the dot com and Great Recession. Sorry about the Caps btw.


Absolutely the PPP could be done in a different way that would be less fraudulent. For every guy that got caught using that money buying a Lamborghini Many others probably got off scot free picking a less flashy purchase.


The dudes who use the same bank account to get the PPP loans and buy the lambo are just dumb.

Some of the goverment terms are outrageous – multi-million 30 year loan at 3% – I could not believe my eyes


Wow how cheap was that dealer that they wouldn’t mail it to you for like $10?


I asked too! I was surprised that they wouldn’t mail them, I would have even paid for it if it came down to it. I knew that I was eventually heading up that way over the summer so I just let it go.

I’m all about the no/low cost Chevy’s lol but not this time.

I wish. I even have the Level 2 charger at home; beats the XC90.

No telling until I got keys, builds the suspense.

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For demand, people forgot how much money the relief bill pumped into the economy. There were many more winners than losers, comparing pre and post pandemic Income, prior to August 1. The administration’s primary current plan of payroll tax holiday/defunding Social Security doesn’t pump nearly as much money into the economy or provide any relief for the unemployed.

The big question is production. How well can the manufacturers keep their assembly lines open with Covid threat. The deals aren’t there now because production is a question mark and is gonna be a question mark all winter.


I’m just going to tell myself that it’s a Taycan until proven wrong.


What’s the best way for the average car shopper to monitor the rebound in production and corresponding rebuilding of stocks on dealer lots? Lot’s of folks being told to be patient - what metrics are available to see the production rebound play out? Thanks in advance.

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You sound like a underwriter :rage:

Nope. I like statistics, but not that much.


@824 is actually an over writer