I am currently in a difficult position on my current lease deal with Infiniti. I have 9 remaining payments on my vehicle and I am over mileage by 11k (each mileage is 0.25). The car is valued between 18-20k in the current state and the buy out amount is 29k. In this scenario should I ride out my lease or trade it in for another lease with say Mercedes. They are offering me a 2016 c300 fully loaded for 41000. Sticker is 48885. The monthly payments will be 600$ for 36 months and 12k miles a year. 0$ down.They will roll in my trade in payoff of 4100$ but I am responsible to pay infiniti my mileage overage 2500$.
Is this a good deal? I pay 518 a month for the q50 now
I have 9 more payments of 518$ left. I believe the trade pay off is 4100 because of tax?
I can either roll in the 2500$ mileage over. both dealerships i spoke to said they would pay the remaining months and roll it into the payments and I would have trade it in to infiniti and pay the mileage overage.