I have retired thanks and goodbye :

No, 10k is the minimum with GMF

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I will give you plenty bottles of sanitizer! :grinning:

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While all the sanitizer now smells like bathtub gin, it doesn’t go down nearly as smoothly as bathtub gin. I’m sure BevMo could suggest something too.

I’ve kept me eye on this thread for a few weeks. Most often when someone has asked a question about Bolt deals, the answer was AT MOST 4 messages above their post.

If you aren’t jumping on his Red LT that just arrived, (for everyone) spend the time you would contacting Ethan a 2nd/3rd time scrolling back to be sure the answer you are waiting on isn’t already posted. :tipping_hand_man:t2:


Cajun Red has been SOLD


Called you today about a truck lease. Hope to hear from you tomorrow.

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To those reaching out, we do have Bolts in stock but leasehackr deals are currently on hold due to a member railing us on the survey because our finance manager pitched excess wear. GSM isn’t thrilled so trying to work it out.


what a jackwad on a good deal, shame

It’s pretty disappointing that one person is going to ruin it for everyone. Even after we stressed how important it was.

Icing on the cake is it screws my bonus and my salesperson who had next to 0 contact with the customer aside from getting the car in detail and handing them the keys.


Holy crap, that’s terrible, sorry to hear that Ethan. :frowning:


and Ihih

10 char

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I think a lifetime ban is in order


GG idiot hackr. Maybe this is the unwritten rule? If you hack a deal the salesperson automatically gets a flawless survey. At some level we need to have some awareness that regardless of what the survey is asking us the only person that gets penalized is the salesperson.

Sorry to hear this Ethan, you had a great thing going. I’m not in the market for a Bolt but my Tahoe lease is up soon. Best of luck getting this resolved.


oh man. that’s awful. hope everything is resolved soon, and you guys can get back to doing what you guys do best - giving us good deals on cars!
Good luck!
P.S. @ethanrs and @Miguel.At.Chevy have been nothing but open and polite through the process.


Super unfortunate to hear that. =(
You are giving out a stellar deals. LH members should always give a 5 star review!
The finance manager is just doing his job. Why would anyone ding him for that?
Everyone is just trying to make a living here.

Or at least at a bare minimum, if there’s an issue, talk to your LH sales person - 99% of the time, they can help resolve it. If it’s somehow not satisfactory, just don’t leave a survey at all. You don’t have to leave a flawless one if you weren’t happy, but you shouldn’t leave a middling or negative one either, especially knowing you got a no-profit deal and there’s a group relationship here.


Unreal. Absolutely unreal. What did this member expect finance to do? Not even try to recoup some of the loss? Just say “no thanks.”


This is why we can’t have nice things.


i was one of the LH crew who picked up a premiere from ethan over the labor day weekend. i wanted to share with everyone what most of you already
know – that ethan and his crew were courteous, efficient, and extremely respectful of my time in getting me in and out the door in less than 30 minutes. it was probably the single best auto transaction of my life. thank you, ethan, for your attention to detail and professional approach to getting me into a 2020 chevy premiere. i look forward to doing business with you and your crew again soon.


The surveys are flawed.

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Yes they are, but they are what they are. They come from the manufacturer and nobody at the dealership or here can change that.

You can even give them a good survey and slam them on social media/dealer rater if you want, but CSI is how they get measured AND paid.

F&I has to present the menu to every customer, pretty much the same way. All you have to do is say “no thank you”. The post-sale manufacturer survey is not the place to start a referendum on the process.

Apparently not. :man_facepalming:t2: