How to unwind brand new lease?


It does now.



Too damn funny!!!

That dude has a lot more hair than I do thoughā€¦ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Nor do I. I imagine that both the GLE53 and the SQ7 are just lovely, so Iā€™d personally be happy w/ either one. ::shrug:: And, as you said, itā€™s not like she wanted an 3-row SUV, and he got a Corvette.

I guess I am lucky. My wife does not care what car I drive or how expensive it is. She does not really care about what car she drives, as long as the seat moves up high enough to let her see over the steering wheel and hood (she is short).


I feel like OP deserves credit for having such a good attitude about this. Most people storm off in a huff when this happens.

Shame of it is, the SQ7 is SUCH a good compromise car.

A family-hauling race car. What else could you want?


Apparently a gle53


Women want that star, I suppose.


I totally agree - OP has been a good sport about all this, even at his expense :slight_smile:
GLWT, however it turns out. I wish I could say Iā€™d take this off your hands butā€¦, and I donā€™t want to end up a meme :rofl:


well now that you said that, we DEFINITELY want detailsā€¦

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Only when they have 4 kids and we dare to suggest a minivan :laughing:


Or the transitvan


Can you fit 4 kids in the Hellcat?


ā€œI can put down any amount needed to get to $599/mā€


Yes, Challenger has 3 seat belts in the back.

Big trunk too!


Child retention nets are located in the trunk :laughing:


Honestly, youā€™re gonna have to eat some cash if you really want to get out of it to get the wife what she wants.

The options Iā€™d pursue is:

  1. list it for lease transfer with a cash incentive.
  2. there are dealer networks that have both Audi and Mercedes. See if theyā€™ll strike you a deal on the swap
  3. hit up some brokers here and anywhere to see if you can get it transferred or sold.
    Since itā€™s early in,

Call Audi Fin Svc, see how much to buy it out before that next payment. They make make you a deal thatā€™s better than res+rent inside 30 days. That make lessen the pain on a deal above.

Good luck

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 4

It seems like weā€™ve all assumed the wifeā€™s issue is a financial one, where it might just be- ā€˜you bought the car you wanted and ignored meā€™

I wasnā€™t suggesting that resources are scarce.

Point was that conflict goes away if they each have some pool of discretionary money and then each selects their own cars.

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