How to negotiate with Cadillac dealers

Hello, any tips on how to negotiate with the dealers online?

Example: 2024 Cadillac LYRIQ Sport 2
Calculator : Link

  • Lease: 24 months / 10k miles
  • Personal target : $300-$350 for Trim 2 (For supercruise)
  • Effective calculator monthly : $480
  • Dealer quoted price : $1100
  • Dealer addon: $990
  • Incentives/rebate
    • Loaner CCP: 2500
    • Dealer : 2500
    • Supplier allowance : $1000
    • Conquest : $3000

I was hoping to negotiate this to $350 , but with them stating $1100, no room for negotiating and they were not willing to disclose how they got to that number.

I am hoping to learn some ways to be better in negotiating

  • Do i say i do not know my target price and just ask for numbers with a breakdown ?
  • How do i plain out say lets communicate over email and send them my offer?

It sounds like you should research what a good offer would be on the car and move on to the next dealer. If they refuse to negotiate or disclose pricing details, you’re just banging your head against the wall.

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It’s a similar experience across the board, either i am calculating something massively wrong or their listed discounts on website are completely incorrect.

Website discounts are almost always incorrect and are inclusive of rebates. Ignore them and make an offer based on the sales price you want before the rebates. Are rebates untaxed in Texas? Where are you getting the 1.2% tax rate from? There are no dealer Doc fees or DMV fees?

Chevrolet, Cadillac are all giving sales tax credits and thus 1.2% instead of 6.5%.

Forgot about dealer doc fees($225 maybe? since they have to report to state if its more than that) and registration(Ev is $200/year :sweat_smile:).

Personally I think 5% off a GM loaner is a weak discount anyway. I think what you are shooting for is doable but it would have to be with a dealer that doesn’t have their head up their rear end.

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Truecar says 6.8% average discount on 2024 new Luxury 2. None i talked to wanted to discount it anymore, but it was just first call since all of them were at 2-3 times my stated target price.

So i am going shift tactics , get a new number , not give a target and let them give me specifics. CRM makes this so difficult.

That is not the way to do it. Send them a detailed breakdown of the deal you want and let them take it or leave it. Be realistic in your offer based on what you see in Marketplace.

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It makes sense, i will try getting their email and sending them the deal structure. Most offers i try to make is using calculator as a reference and a difference of 2-4k in additional discounts on MSRP.

What is the “$2500 dealer incentive”?

Adding MF and residual actual numbers in the email for your location will also make difference giving them an impression that you know what you are talking.

Bypass CRM and email the sales manager directly, or request a sales manager quote you in your request.

Supercruise for $350 ? That would be ne hell of or impossible deal !!

What sticker price are you looking at ? I have a New '24 Tech AWD, $64,700 sticker
15k, $414.- 1st and DMV DAS,
Costco, Conquest, First Responder,

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Michael @ Auto Time was my broker

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If you’re aiming for $350 and they’re at $1100, you’re not getting there


Where in TX are you?

The numbers actually do work out. There is a currently a gap of 4-5% additional discount on MSRP. It has less to do with price rather it’s heavily dependent on depreciation cost/amount.

This works well on Loaner trim 1 and 2 because of high residual combined with loaner bonus

Calculator - Link

Am in Austin.

I have been shopping Lyriq’s in Texas (Houston area), too. The best offer I have received so far is $495/mo for a '24 Sport 2 24/10k lease and $599 for a '24 Sport 3 24/10k lease. Both are '24 models and loaner vehicles. That is with conquest and costco rebates. That is also with the 1.2% sales tax.

I am getting quoted quite a bit more on the 25s.

My process has been getting the residual values and money factors from Edmunds and then plugging that into a spreadsheet that I use to estimate lease costs. I then shop around dealers online to see who is advertising the biggest discounts on their websites, plug that into my spreadsheet to come up with a target monthly cost, and use that to negotiate.

I also was hoping to get about a $100/mo lower price, but may pull the trigger in this price range.

I did just lease a $97k '24 Silverado EV RST for $635/mo on a 36/10k lease yesterday with 1st month DAS using the same process.

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And to add onto this…make sure when you propose a deal to dealers that you actually know what rebates/incentives you or the vehicle qualify for and that all of your calculations are accurate. It totally ruins your credibility if you make a proposal that isn’t based in facts.

I know these Lyrics can be tricky because from what I’ve read some incentives are VIN specific or only apply to loaners and not new inventory.