How to Lease a Cadillac LYRIQ for $399/Month with $0 Down

Darn was hoping for nj

I just used all the info I found here to get a Lux1 black on black, fairly loaded with $0 down for $472. I am just outside NYC in Nassau. I got $6K in rebates. If this is a bad deal, don’t tell me. It works out to $200 less a month than my beloved 2020 Explorer Limited on financing so I am pretty happy. I called up and told the dealer the deal I wanted and they were like “how do you know all this?” It was also a Lyriq event so I got a $50 visa card just for walking in.

Edit: I have a week to go before it comes in, is there anything else I can stack on the Conquest, GM rewards card, CCR, that anyone can think of that I can add on?


RWD or AWD? How many Months/Miles?

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AWD, 24/10, this is a “demo” but it came in today, I was the first to drive it. They said they are going to have it be a demo for a week and it will have under 200 miles. The loop is about 1 mile and I pick up next week if that helps. It is a Lux 1.

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This tracks has to be in inventory for a certain number of days. This is a good deal. Enjoy the car, I have the same car and love it.

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When I go into the the calculator it doesn’t let me stack supplier and gm card w conquest any longer. When I click the 3k conquest it greys out most other incentives. Anyone else seeing this?

Calculator and even cadillac website does that. You just need to manually change incentive total amount.

Can anyone confirm that CTA/Loaner ($2500), Conquest ($3k), and employee discount ($2500, GEX) all stack? Would value your thoughts.

By employee discount you mean GM supplier code?

No, I am referring to GM employee disc. GEX

Loaner and conquest definitely stack. Supplier discount stacks with those as well.

Trying to determine if I can stack GM employee discount (instead of supplier) along with loaner and conquest.

No idea of you can stack employee discount instead of supplier

Where can i check what rebate i can qualify for

I would look at the calculator it will show many of the terms and conditions required. The big one is conquest that’s $3000. You need a 2010 or newer vehicle specific in your household.

The GM supplier ev code is also pretty easy to obtain. And that’s $1000.

Yeah i unfortunately dont have conquest. I only have first responder

Yeah - with only 500 responder and if you can get a 1000 gm ev supplier code off the forum - you will only be at 1500 in rebates. The payment won’t look that good.

Plus costs to travel

Is this the same dealer in Iowa?