How to Lease a Cadillac LYRIQ for $399/Month with $0 Down

Any idea what the residuals and MF are for Luxury and Sport? Does it depend on the trim level as well?

Is a Tech AWD w/drivers assistance package for less than $400 per month with Zero DAS possible?

I also see two options in rate finder Which is the one that I should choose? They have different residual and MF values

x0d = rwd
x0e = awd

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What is the credit score impact with a one pay lease? Is a credit check even performed?

You borrow a $60-70K car. What do you think?


:sweat_smile: Good point.

I see there are some 2023’s still available New. What’s Lease Hackr’s thoughts on these? Are these still leasable?

I see crazy deals on 2023 EQs. I wonder if something like that can be recreated with 2023 Lyric’s.

Seems like 23 Lyrics had Super Cruise and upgraded sound systems as standard.

Also, I’m finding that the deals that the Brokers are providing on marketplace are easily reproducible on marketplace. I’m new to leasing and have only been negotiating for a week or so. I’m wondering if I’m missing something. I’m on the west coast

There’s at least two questions in your question.

Yes a one-pay lease requires a credit check. Many people are surprised when they are denied for a one-pay because their credit profile don’t support the collateral risk. Just because you can make the payment doesn’t always mean you can lease the car.

For those with one-pay leases: what you typically see is the open trade-line from the captive for the retail lease, paid-in-full, which shows open until disposition – no impact to your DTI ratio.

Could the open trade-line prevent one from getting another car loan or lease?

It depends on their bureau and DTI. Plenty of one income families can hang 3 auto trade lines, but plenty of six figure earners with no auto history get declined for one-pays. :man_shrugging:t2:

Dusting off / well worth skimming

Nope, you are pretty spot on. I’m not seeing a big difference in the brokers prices vs walking into any average Joe Dealer. I’m not surprised that 2023’s are still on lots. These Cadillac dealers are something else. Where I’m located, they won’t budge on MSRP at all.

On the west coast dealers seem to be willing to do 7 to 8% off MSRP for 2024s.

Wondering how much off MSRP would be doable for a 2023